Vein's fear

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Vein and Koharu are walking to the Spider Queen Cave.

Koharu: Hey Vein, you sure your okay?

Vein: Of course I'm okay.

Koharu: Really? Because your hands haven't stop shaking ever since we started walking to the cave.

Vein: I'm really fine, truth me.

Koharu: Okay... If you say so.

Vein: We're almost at the S-Spider Q-Queen Cave. Just another two to three minute of walking and we'll b-be t-there.

Koharu(In Mind): Vein, your clearly scare. Your hands keep shaking and you keep stuttering. Your just putting on a facade so that you wouldn't make me worry. This is the first time I've seen him this scare, he has face against bosses head-on without even flinching. So what is it that his so afraid of? Wait a second...


Kizmel: I was meant to meet the Commander beyond the Spider Queen Cave. You would do well to take the byway.

Vein: I-Is it s-safe?

(Flashback end)

Koharu(In Mind): After Kizmel said that we have to go to the Spider Queen Cave, Vein started stuttering non-stop... Could it be that his afraid of the monsters in the cave?

Vein: Hey, earth to Koharu!

Koharu: Huh?!

Vein: Finally, are you done spacing out?

Koharu: Y-Yeah! What the?! We're surrounded by the Treant, since when?!

Vein: Just a few second ago when your still spacing out. I even had to kill one that was behind you.

Koharu: Sorry about that...

Vein: It's okay. We've already kill a lot of Treant beforehand, so it shouldn't be a problem. I'll take on the ones in front of me while you take the back, sound good?

Koharu: Yeah.

Vein and Koharu started killing the Treant.

Koharu(In Mind): Whatever it is, at least his back to normal now during a fight.

Koharu than saw a flash of light behind Vein.

Koharu: Watch out behind you Vein! There's more spawning!

Vein: Got it!

Vein turns around preparing to fight the monster that was spawning behind me.

Vein: N-No w-way....

Koharu: Vein, What wrong?

Vein: Y-You got to be k-kidding me...

Koharu kill the Treant and turns to see Vein. She than saw what monster was spawn behind him.

Koharu: That's a Thicket Spider?! It's as big as us!

Vein: Ah... ah.. AHHHHHHH!!! 

Koharu: Vein!

The Spider jump toward Vein, Vein barely dodge and fall onto the ground. He than use both his feet and hand to push himself back away from the spider until his back hits a tree.


Koharu: Vein! I'm coming!

Koharu jumps in attacking the spider but it uses it's leg to hit Koharu away. Koharu than skidded back on the ground.

Koharu: Gaaah!!!

The spider jump at Vein but Vein quickly jump away making his face skidded on the ground.

Koharu(In Mind): I should have known he was afraid of spiders, how stupid can I be! The cave's name already gave it away and yet... Vein just wait a little longer, I'll definitely save you!

Vein turn around to see the spider was about to bite him. He than started to shed tears.

Vein: O-Oh God! P-Please d-don't!

Koharu: Get away from him!

Koharu than uses Shooting Star, the rapier piercing right through the spider's head killing it.

Vein: K-Koharu...

Koharu: It's okay Vein, the spider dead. Everything's fine now.

Vein: T-Thank you Koharu!

Vein immediately cry and hugs Koharu. Koharu than hugs back.

few minutes later

Vein: Thank's Koharu... I'm all better now...

Koharu: You should've told me that you're afraid of spiders.

Vein: I know... And I'm sorry about it.

Koharu: I'm just glad your okay. So can you tell me why your afraid of spiders, if you can't than it's totally fine.

Vein: It was a very long time ago, yet I could never forget about the whole incident of how I almost die.

Koharu: You almost die?!

Vein: Yeah, back when I was four years old. One day on a holiday, my parents decided to take me jungle trekking. But since I was only four I keep touching everything in the jungle, from the tree to insect. And of course I went and touch a spider, a deadly poisonous spider. It jump onto my hand and bit me, my scream caught the attention of my parent. My father saw the spider and knew it was poisonous and quickly take me to the nearest hospital.

Koharu: So that's why your scare of spiders.

Vein: I can still remember the pain I went through. Breathing starts to get harder, headache, feeling of vomit and of course the pain that I felt on my hand, I don't even know how to describe that pain. There were more symptoms but the one I remember and felt the most were the one I just said. The doctor said that I was lucky, if it had been any longer who knows what would have happen to me. I can't remember the name of the spider that bit me but I don't really care. Ever since than, I would freak out and scream whenever I see a spider no matter if it's real or fake.

Koharu: I see... 

Vein: Thank you Koharu, I don't know what would've happen to me if you weren't there.

Koharu: Like you said, we're partner. And partner always help out one another. Don't worry about the spiders, I'll deal with them once we enter the Spider Queen Cave.

Vein: Thanks Koharu for everything.

Koharu just give Vein a smile.

Vein: Here we are... The Spider Queen Cave.

Koharu: You ready Vein?

Vein: I'm perfectly ready, let's head in.

Vein and Koharu enter the Spider Queen Cave.

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