Perfectly ready

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Merchant: Thanks for buying. Do come again.

Vein(Whisper): Sorry, but after Floor 3 is clear I'm never coming back here.

Koharu: Oh lighted up a little Vein. We haven't even encounter a spider after we left the Spider Queen Cave.

Vein: Please don't jinx it Koharu...

Koharu: Anyway, let move on to another topic. Do you think this is enough antidote?

Vein: Yeah, that's plenty of antidote.

Koharu: I don't know, after how we almost use up all our anti-paralysis potion during the fight on floor 2...

Vein: Trust me Koharu, this will be enough. After all we're fighting only one boss this time, not three.

Koharu: Your right, now let get to the labyrinth.

At the labyrinth entrance 

Koharu: Yikes... So many people by the labyrinth. Is everyone here for the boss? I messaged telling them we'd be here, but I never expected THIS. I'm kind of taken aback, to be honest.

Vein take Koharu's hand.

Vein: Don't worry Koharu, I'm right here with you.

Koharu: Yeah. Your right, I'll be fine. I got this!

Vein: Now that's the spirit.

Kibaou: We've been waiting for ya. What sort of reward did you get from those elves?

Koharu: There was no reward that really has a direct connection to this boss fight. But their Commander gave us a bit of advice about it. He told us...

Kirito: It unleashes a poisonous attack, and you should stock up on antidotes, right?

Vein: Exactly!

Kirito: I played through the Elf War Campaign too. Looks like we both got the same advice.

Asuna: At least this proves that Kirito isn't withholding info from ALS and DKB.

Koharu: What do you mean?

Kirito: When ALS and DKB first butted heads, I was there with them. So I decided to finish up the quest, and find out if it really gives something we need for the boss battle.

Kibaou: But we couldn't trust that the Beater wouldn't withhold some important intel, you see? At least, that's how everyone felt. That's why I had you do some footwork. I didn't tell you about it all though, cause I didn't want you guys teaming up.

Koharu: So that means that you're stocked up on antidotes already, right? That's good news!

Vein: Told you the antidotes we bought were enough.

Koharu: Hey, you might never know what would happen. Better be prepared than not prepare at all.

Kibaou: And now we've got our proof. This should convince everyone. Thanks.

Asuna: Koharu, you're just like Kirito, aren't you? Always looking out for others.

Vein: That's their strength, right?

Asuna: Why are you asking me? I've never even thought that much about Kirito... Okay?

Kirito: Anyway. Just to put it out there. During the beta, this boss didn't really have any over the top poison attacks. That might be the main difference this time around. It'd be best to have as many antidotes as you can carry, I'd wager.

Kibaou: You heard that, squad? You good, DKB?

DKB Member: We aren't being cheap with any intel. Honestly, we're pretty thankful for the added info. DKB will now enter the labyrinth. Our target is Nerius the Evil Treant. Victory shall be ours!

Kibaou: Tryin' to show off eh... ALS, we're movin' out too! Show me what you got and let's do this thing!

Koharu: Asuna, you guys did the elf quests too, huh?

Vein: I guess Argo was right.

Asuna: Yeah? Well, I'm glad you were the other group checking things out. 

Koharu: Why's that? 

Kirito: You're not part of ALS or DKB, and you're not some selfish tester, so there's no reason to distrust you.

Koharu: Well, we WERE testers, though...

Kirito: I'd hardly call you testers, though. When the game first launched you were still struggling with boars, weren't you? And now seeing that you've come this far shows the hard work you've put in. Let me be the dirty Beater, and you two just keep at it.

Vein: You've also worked hard too, Kirito.

Kirito: Maybe... But it's not enough for Floor 100. But for now, let's just focus on this boss.

Asuna: I'm sure you have plenty of antidotes, but still, be careful.

Koharu: Yeah, you too, Asuna... Let's talk again once we beat this.

Asuna: Sounds good. Catch you later, then.

Vein(In Mind): AW CRAP, I completely forgot the labyrinth have spiders! Please ALS and DKB, please tell me you guys have clear the labyrinth!

After finish talking, everyone enter the labyrinth. With Vein being a bit nervous and hoping ALS and DKB kill all the spiders in the labyrinth.

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