Rage of the Taurus King

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Kibaou opens the door and Nato the Colonel Taurus spawns at the center of the room.

Kibaou: Aincrad Liberation Squad ATTACK!!

<Knights> Member: Dragon Knights Brigade engage the enemy!

Both ALS and DKB charge ahead attacking Nato. Kirito and the others soon join up with them.

Vein: Their fast I'll give them that.

Everyone starts attacking Nato, they easily dodge it's hammer attacks. And in just under 2 minutes Nato HP already reach half. 

Kibaou: This thing is way easier than I expected, Illfang gave a way harder fight.

Suddenly a red circle appear around Nato.

Kirito: Fall back! It's preparing for an area attack!

Everyone quickly jump away from the red circle. Nato than spins its hammer in a 360 degree. A few players didn't manage to get away from the circle and got hit by the attack.

Kibaou: Guys are you okay?!

Kirito: Way to jinx it Kibaou.

Koharu: Hey you guys okay.

Fighter: I'm fine. 

Vein: Kibaou just had to jinx it.

Koharu: Now's not the time Vein.

Vein: I know. Here drink this HP potion.

Kibaou: Just a little more and it's dead. Come on guys!

Everyone charge in again attacking Nato non stop. This time everyone is prepare for Nato area attack and manage to dodge it. And with the last few hits Nato HP drops to zero and explode.

Agil: That's one down. Now where the next one?

Suddenly a bright glow appear at the center of the room and Baran the General Taurus comes out from the light.

Koharu: His a lot bigger than the last one.

Kibaou: Let's go everyone!

Everyone charge towards Baran preparing to attack when suddenly a red circle appear in front of them.

Kibaou: What th-

Baran than immediately slams down the hammer hitting everyone that were in the circle.

Asuna: That attack alone just took down half of the clearing group.

Kirito: Asuna come on! We need to lure him away from everyone!

Asuna: On it!

Kirito charge in dodging an incoming hammer attack and slashing Baran legs.

Kirito: Hey I'm over here come and get me!

Everyone quickly go and help the players that were stun while Kirito and Asuna are distracting Baran.

Vein: Everyone drink this, it's anti-paralysis potion.

Koharu: Vein, Kirito and Asuna can't fight that thing alone.

Vein: Here Koharu, gives this anti-paralysis potion to anyone who got stun. I'll go join Kirito.

Koharu: Got it! 

Agil: I'll join in as well.

Vein: Agil... Right come on.

Baran keeps swinging it's hammer at Kirito and Asuna non stop. Vein dash towards Baran and uses Cross Arc slashing it's back. Baran immediately turn around and swings it's hammer towards Vein.

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