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At Quest Plains

Vein: You sure you can do this Koharu?

Koharu: Of course! I have to do this, if I don't those memories will keep on haunting me!

Vein: Good luck then! And don't worry, if anything goes south I'll save you!

Koharu: Thanks Vein. Alright here I go!

(Koharu charges towards one of the Dire Wolf)

Koharu: HIYAAA!!!

(Koharu uses a sword skill and kills the Dire Wolf)

Vein: Koharu more are charging towards you!

Koharu: !!!

(Koharu dodges one of the attack but falls onto the ground)

Vein: Watch out! Their about to attack you!

Koharu: Keep calm Koharu... just remember what Vein taught you back in the beta.

(Koharu presses her feet on the ground and push herself backwards dodging the Dire Wolf attacks)

Vein: All right Koharu keep it up!

Koharu: Just gotta time my attack perfectly...And....

(The Dire Wolf charges towards Koharu about to bite her)

Koharu: NOW!

(Koharu uses another sword skill piercing the Dire Wolf through it's open mouth. Another one than jump behind her)

Koharu: Quick change!

(Koharu changes her weapon to dagger and slashes the Dire Wolf behind her, than stab the Dire Wolf neck killing it)

Vein: (Thinking) Not bad Koharu! Given how the dagger needs to be hold, the blade faces behind. She knows she can't turn around fast enough so changes to the dagger so that she can slash it!

Koharu: Looks like my Switch Gauge is full! Time to finish this. HIYA!

Shortly After

Vein: Looks like you can take care of yourself after all! Seriously you did amazing out there!

Koharu: Well it was all thanks to Kirito and your teaching that I was able to do it. Beside I wasn't afraid because I know you'll save me if things turn bad. That's why I was able to went in full force!

Vein: Congrats on your first win Koharu! Just keep on going at that pace and you'll get stronger in no time!

Koharu: Thanks very much Vein. Oh look Ulrik and Miyurin are over there! Hey you two!

Ulrik: Woah! Thanks very much you guys! You really saved us!

Miyurin: I'll go grab our rewards. Just wait here!

Few minutes later

Miyurin: Okie dokie! Here's our lovely little reward! Oh I'm so happy I could burst, Miyurin!

Vein: Uhhhh......

Ulrik: Mi-chan... No one's gonna fall for that act with that avatar...

Miyurin: Gah, sorry...Okay guys, come reap the rewards of my... Man, it's harder to drop the girly avatar act than I thought. Anyway! Thanks a bunch! This might sound like an exaggeration, but you guys helped me find some confidence.

Ulrik: You know, I've played a lot of games. And I always thought I was just like the heroes in them! Thought I had it in me. But I guess I was wrong. Now that it's all so real, I've lost all the fight in me. I've just been pecking at battles right outside town, running back when I lost HP...

Miyurin: We should have been able to go to Quest Plains ourselves. But the thought of it was so frightening... You two though, you're something. You could have turned us away, but you went right out there and pulled it off.

Ulrik: We really need to try harder, too. Just... while staying alive.

Miyurin: Anyway what are you two up to now?

Ulrik: If you uhh, don't have any plans, would you wanna join us and...

???: NOPE! You stick around with scaredy cat newbs and lemme tell ya kid , you ain't ever gonna make it outta this place.

Miyurin: How rude! We've been getting ready to leave ourselves, you know!

 ???: Yup big words, eh? You gonna stroll right on out now, then?

Miyurin and Ulrik: Now...

???: Forget the casuals. The name Kibaou. Got something to talk with you lot about.

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