Our adventure begins

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(Vein and Koharu go back to Teleport Gate plaza)

Miyurin: Welcome back! I'll tell you, I'm glad to see you again!

Ulrik: While you both were away we've been working bit. We're... just a tad stronger now.

Kibaou: Color me surprised!


Kibaou: You make it sound like we're 'bout to fight. I'm just back from a bit o' work. Nice timing. So, you got the goods? Nice. That should do it. Alright then, here's your cut. I'm not gonna draw up a receipt, but it's all there.

Ulrik: That's... a lot of Col. You really weren't kidding, huh.

Kibaou: Stop sitting there eyeing it and go level up to join us. We still got some room for ya.

Ulrik: You've got quotas and stuff, right? No thanks. I'm not sure we wanna rush anyway.

Kibaou: That's what I get for even trying. How 'bout you lot? You ready to join me in taking on that boss?

Koharu: I... can't decide. You're probably right, Kibaou. With things as they are, we need to work together. I agree. But still... I don't just want to abandon anyone below our level. What do you think, Vein?

Vein: I'm with Koharu.

Kibaou: Bunch o' newbs, huh? Fine, whatever. You're still better than that lot who just care about making themselves stronger. Leveling up solo ain't gonna cut it. But dragging around scaredy cats isn't either. Both will get you crushed before level 100. We just need players ready to commit and ready to work together. That's what I say. You lemme know if you feel ready. Really, I do hope it's before we take on the boss. Wouldn't mind having you there.

Miyurin: I guess even spiky head has his own goals and reasons, huh...

Ulrik: Is that enough to get us moving though? I hear some group of jerks are holding up the best farming spots. They're probably Kibaou's gang, too. Working with them isn't really my style.

Miyurin: Shoulda said that while he was still here, then. I guess we just gotta stick to our ways... Anyway hope to see you guys around some other day. Don't go dying now. Bye.

Vein: You guys too!

Koharu: Your ways, huh... Thinking for yourselves, not just following someone else... Vein, I'll start trying to think ahead for myself a bit, too. Right now I'm just so worried about surviving, I haven't really given it much thought. But I'll have to mull it over at some point. But... until then I hope you don't mind me hanging around with you.

Vein: I don't mind at all. In fact I'm happy to be hanging around with you. Well It has been a long day, and I'm tired from all that running around. So... want to call it a day?

Koharu: Yeah I'm pretty beat as well. After all we can't be going around killing monsters while tired.

Vein: Luckily I know a good Inn where we can rest up. But we better be quick before all the room gets book by everyone.

Few hours later

Vein: Man I'm full, can't take another bite.

Koharu: Looks like you have fully accustomed to living here huh.

Vein: Nah, not fully yet.

Koharu: You know I keep wondering how my parents are feeling right now?

Vein: I don't know your parents Koharu but I'm sure their taking good care of you. Hoping that you'll wake up from here one day. 

Koharu: What about you Vein? Don't you miss your parents?

Vein: Of course I do. I don't really know how they feel knowing that I might have a chance of not waking up. But what I know is that they have faith in me, they always have. 

Koharu: I wish we have met and been friends in real life though.

Vein: Yeah... How about this, after we clear Aincrad let's really meet up.

Koharu: Yeah I'll love to meet the real you. Not just the virtual you.

Vein: It's a promise than. We'll both make it out of here and really meet each other!

Koharu: Huh... looks like it's already 10 o'clock.

Vein: Well I'm going to sleep now. You should also rest up too. After all who knows what will be in store for us tomorrow. 

Koharu: Yeah I'm kinda looking forward to it. Especially adventuring with you.

(Vein smiles at Koharu and says good night to her before walking back to his room)

Koharu: Good night to you too, Vein.

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