I'm Vein Kiriyama

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One month later

Vein: Looks like today is the last day of SAO closed beta I can't believe it's already been one month.Time sure fly when your having fun.I didn't even get a chance to see the 6 floor
boss.Might as well take one last look around before it close.

Vein: Ever since I won the kendo tournament and my mom and dad bought me SAO I have been none stop playing it every time after I got home from school.Of course I still have kendo training but that has never stop me from playing.

Vein: And within just one month I was able to beat 5 floors and reach the 6 floor but too bad I don't have enough time to beat the 6 floor though.

(Vein walks around from floor 6-2 before heading back to Town of Beginnings)

Vein: That all the floors all that left is town of beginnings.

In town of beginnings

Vein: Wow looks like everyone is also taking a final look around no surprise.
Man i'm going to miss this game.

Random player: Hey man you taking a look around to huh.

Vein: Well yeah who wouldn't.

Random player: Well it's not like we're never going to play again after all this is just a beta the games not closing down.

Vein: Yeah I know but I will still miss it.Seriously we finally get to fight monster with our own two hand and not just hold a controller and pressing button.We can really feel the adrenaline when fighting a monster since we can feel death.

Random player: Well it's not like we can't respawn or anything.

Vein: Still who would want to die anyway.

Random player: Hey enough talking about death why don't we change the subject like what weapon do you use.

Vein: Oh a sword I use it because I learn kendo so a sword to me feels the most natural.So what is your weapon.

Random player: I use a spear I always think that sword is just overrated.Oh one last thing your name Vein Kiriyama right.

Vein: Yeah how did you know.

Random player: I was one of the crowd during the tournament.I went there to see my friend but he got taken out pretty early on.Still nice fight you must have train hard.

Vein: Yeah been training for 9 years.

Random player: Well look at the time i have to go now hope to see you around when the game is release.

Vein: Yeah hope to see you to.Wait a sec what is your and his already log out oh well.

Vein: Last place i haven't check out yet is origin plains guess I'll head there next.

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