Lending a helping hand

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(Vein and Koharu go back to Teleport Gate plaza)

Vein: Looks like it's not as crowded as before. Seems like everyone has finally accepted that this is their new home.

Koharu: Hmm... I wonder what their going to do.

Vein: Well what they do is all up to them.

Koharu: Yeah... guess your right.

???: Hold it right there! You two! With gear like that, you must be quite the warriors!

Koharu: Oh, uhh... do you need something?

???: Yeah I uhh... Ahem! I'm Miyurin. Just your regular ol' town dweller.

???: And I'm Ulrik. Me'n him are partners, I guess. Nice to meet ya.

Vein: I'm guessing with that armor you choose to become a girl huh Miyurin.

Miyurin: Yeah I thought It'll be fun to try being a girl but now is just embarrassing.

Koharu: Vein!

Vein: What I was just curious. I didn't think anyone would actually choose their opposite gender.

Ulrik: Ahem! Anyway, truth is I got a little something to ask. Think you could maybe help us out with a little quest?

Miyurin: It's just a quest to deliver a letter to an NPC, but it keeps sending us here there and everywhere. A real pain in the butt fetch quest. It's doesn't even offer that great of a payout either, so almost everyone has skipped it.

Ulrik: But once we pass a certain threshold we'll unlock another quest and THAT will give us some better rewards.

Miyurin: The quest itself is a piece of cake. Just picking up drops. The problem is WHERE the drops come from. The first place is Origin Plains, place we can easily handle. 

Ulrik: But the other items, it only drops in Quest Plains.

Miyurin: We can't go there! We'd be toast with this paper-thin armor!

Ulrik: That's why we've been hanging around asking players with better gear.

Miyurin: But no one seems to be interested though..."the quest in this town are for wimps! You wanna level up? Go hunt monsters and move on to the next town for better rewards, punks!" Some of them even flipped out on us. So we're not really keen on asking super strong looking people anymore.

Ulrik: Anyone whose ever played a game knows grinding monster battles is the best way to level up. But here, we're talking about real life and death!

Miyurin: What's gonna happen to us now? How long are we really gonna last? Oh, uh... sorry for putting a damper on the mood and all.

Ulrik: Sitting around dwelling ain't gonna change anything, so let's just forget about it! We gotta be more upbeat than that! Is what I wish I could say, but it's kinda hard to get over...

Koharu: I know just how you feel. Somewhere deep down, I know I'm still just waiting for someone to rescue us. But if we just leave it to that, we'll never get anywhere, right?

Miyurin: Yep. No matter how crummy it gets we still gotta make the most of it!

Ulrik: We've all gotta work together! So on that note then... You think you guys might wanna help? We can all split the rewards. Whaddya say?

Koharu: Vein these two seem like good people. What do you think?

Vein: All right then. We were originally heading towards Quest Plains after all.

Ulrik: Oh thank goodness! Alright, get me five Wolf Claw from the Dire Wolf, would you?

Koharu: The Dire Wolf!

Miyurin: Is something the matter?

Koharu: Uhh... no not at all!

(Vein stares at Koharu with a worry face)

Miyurin: Ok then we'll probably be back at the Teleport Gate before you, so just come look for us there. Good hunting!

Koharu: I know we just kind of happened upon this, but it doesn't seem so bad. At least now we have a real goal. It's kind of hard to aim for level 100 straight from the get-go. So having some smaller goals sure helps, I think.

Vein: Right there with you.

Koharu: Yeah. Now then, what are we waiting for let's go!


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