The clearing guilds

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Near the blacksmith

Kibaou: Good, you're here. Glad I didn't waste my time finding ya.

Koharu: So, what do you need us for? What does Diavel have to do with any of this?

Kibaou: Right, guess I need to lay it out for ya. After Diavel left, our little group there split off into two main branches. There's the Aincrad Liberation Squad that I head up, and the Dragon Knights Brigade that Lind leads.

Vein: The Aincrad Liber-what now?

Kibaou: The Aincrad Liberation Squad! That'll be our guild name eventually! But for now we're just kind of throwing that name around.

Vein: I think it's a good name. Since liberation means setting someone free from imprisonment, it fits our situation perfectly. 

Kibaou: You catch on really fast, not bad kid.

Vein: It's actually not that hard to catch on.

Koharu: By the way Kibaou, who's Lind?

Kibaou: Lind was a dude who partied with Diavel back on Floor 1. He's an over-ambitious fella who stepped up to take lead after Diavel.

Vein: So, he's just like you then, Kibaou?

Kibaou: I've stuck by my ways through and through! I'm gonna beat this sticking game without the help from any of them testers! I'm ready to face struggles ahead. I ain't in this for fame or glory. We either get it done or we don't. 

Vein:(Whispers)Hey Koharu, doesn't working with us goes directly against his "ways".

Koharu:(Whispers)I don't think now is the best time to say so...

Kibaou: Hey quit your whispering. If you got something to say, just say it.

Koharu: So, from what I understand... Lind just wanted to be leader but you just want to beat the game?

Kibaou: Not bad, you guys really do catch on fast!

Vein: I don't really see the difference...

Kibaou: Just you watch and see. Anyone can tell one of us is more cut out for this. Anyway, my Liberation Squad needs better gear so we don't lose out to them Knights. You two already got a feel for the monsters on this Floor, right? Then you shouldn't have any trouble gathering up some material for me, yeah? I'll pay you for your time. More than those Knights would, too.

Vein: Sure, we'll help out the Liberation Squad.

Kibaou: We have a deal then! I'm glad you've got some sense in ya. First, go and bring me 10 Bull Hoof from the Trembling Cow out in Grotto Plains. I want you to hurry, too. We need to beat the Knights to the punch.

Vein and Koharu head out to find the Trembling Cow

Koharu: So these Trembling Cow... are they like the Onrushing Cow?

Vein: In some ways yeah. Look there's one over there.

Koharu: ...! That thing's huge!!!

Vein: Time to test out our new and upgraded weapon don't you think Koharu?

Koharu: I'm not sure about this...

Vein: Don't worry. Their only huge that's all. Just go for the legs trust me.

Koharu: If you say so...

Vein: How about this I attack first while you back me up.

Koharu: O-Okay.

Vein takes a deep breath before using Rage Spike.

Vein: Hyah!

Vein sword strikes the Trembling Cow's head

Vein: Koharu now!

Koharu: Got it!

Koharu dash in and slashes the cow's side. Vein than pushes the cow's head away and proceed to slash both it's front leg. The cow fell down and Vein stab it's head killing it.

Vein: See it's not hard.

Koharu: For you. I use a rapier so it's harder for me to slash.

Vein: How about we just team up on killing them. We can split up on killing them later when your ready.

Koharu: I like it. On your call Vein.

Vein: Alright! Let's take them down Koharu!

Koharu: You got it!

Vein and Koharu charge towards the Trembling Cows.

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