Clash against Illfang the Kobold Lord

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In the labyrinth

Vein: Looks like most of the monsters have already been kill.

Koharu: There you are Vein. What took you so long.

Vein: Your still here! I thought you've already went ahead!

Koharu: I've been standing here waiting for you. Luckily the people who enter earlier kill all the monsters.

Vein: Then we better catch up and fast.

Outside the boss room

Vein: Can't believe there was no monsters at all. Guess they took out every single one of them.

Koharu: Looks like Diavel about to tell us something before we go in.

Diavel: Right then, it looks like everyone is here. Once we open this door that'll be it. We'll be right at the boss battle. Once we enter, I need every party to take to their positions. Remember, the reports stated that Illfang the Kobold Lord will change weapons when it's HP is low. Once it switches from its axe to a scimitar, it will change up its attack pattern too. Make sure you don't get caught up by it. Let's go!

Koharu: Honestly I'm scared. But I promised Sachi I'd fight and I'd live.

Vein: Just remember don't trip over your feet.

Koharu: Not that again! It's already been a month since I trip!

Vein: Hahaha, just joking.

Koharu: Mmm...

Diavel goes and opens the door. Illfang the Kobold Lord then spawn and screams at the people.

Diavel: CHAAARGE!!

Everyone then charge in to attack the Kobold Lord. The vanguard started slashing at the Kobold Lord while the support team attacks the Kobolds that spawn around it. With the formations Diavel form the players are able to slowly chip away it's HP while also defending attacks from it. Before long the Kobold Lord HP drop below half.

Vein: It's HP is already below half! Get ready for when it switches weapons.

Illfang the Kobold Lord then screams again and switches it's weapons. Every player retreat back from attacking and started preparing for its upcoming attack.

???: Looks like it finally switched weapons...

Kirito: It should keep using that scimitar like an idiot until we take it down. As long as we're careful, we should have this.

Diavel: Move main party in and surround it! Avoid its swings and proceed with your assault!

Kibaou: Alright! We got this!

Illfang the Kobold Lord suddenly switched to a weapon that is not a scimitar but a...

Vein: What the? No, that's not right... Wait... That sword...! It's a katana!

Kirito: Lookout! Fall back! it's using a katana not a scimitar! Drop everything and fall back NOW!!

Illfang the Kobold Lord swings the katana towards Diavel.

Diavel: NGH?!

Kibaou: Bwha?!

???: But how?! That attack wasn't even in the Guide Book!

Kirito: This is bad. It's got them stunned! It's gonna move in for a combo!

Agil: Move in for support now! 

Kirito: Damn it! I won't make it in time!

Koharu: Vein! Diavel is in trouble!

Vein: Tsk...

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