The meeting

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Few hours later

Koharu: Hey Vein, looks like people are headed for the amphitheater already.

Vein: Guess rest time is over.

Koharu: I'm starting to feel a little anxious...

At Tolbana Amphitheater

Koharu: Whoa... Look at all these people. There's got to be at least 40, maybe more. These are all the people who have been out there on the front line. I suppose now's not the best time to ask, but do I fit in here? It's a bit daunting.

Vein: No need to worry Koharu, you fit right in.

Koharu: Thanks. Hey look there's that girl! And next to her is Kirito. I guess Kirito is also joining in too. Nice to see some familiar faces.

Diavel: Now then! I suppose it's about time we get started! Thanks to everybody for coming! I'm Diavel, and in this game the job I rolled is knight!

Participant 1: Ain't no job system in this game, pal!

Participant 2: Oooh, knight! Cool! Lol!

Koharu: Diavel is really just what you'd expect from a story book knight. I think it suits him.

Diavel: A few days ago our party located the boss room at the top of the labyrinth! We'll defeat this boss, head to Floor 2, and show everyone in Town of Beginnings that this life or death game CAN be beaten! That is the duty of all of us gathered here today! Are you with me?

Participant: Yeah! Let's do this!

(The amphitheater than fills up with loud clapping and whistling)

Diavel: Okay! Let's get right to it then and start discussing our strategy!

Kibaou: NOW HOLD ON A SEC! The name's Kibaou, and I think we oughta clear something up before we start. We got some here among us who have some apologies they need to say to the 2,000 players we've already lost.

Vein: 2,000 players?!

Koharu: This game has already claimed 2,000 lives?! But what does he mean? Who have to apologize for that?

Diavel: Kibaou, I'm going to assume you're talking about the former beta testers here with us?

Kibaou: Ain't hard to piece together! They snagged all the good hunting spots and ignore us like we're nothing!

Koharu: What! But we were beta testers, and we've done nothing of the sort!

Kibaou: Those damn testers are here now, right in our ranks! We should drag'em out and strip'em of all that money and items they stashed, or else we'll never be fighting on fair grounds!

Koharu: That's just cruel... I... I've got to go out there and stop him!

Vein: Koharu don't. You'll only make things worst.

Koharu: But...

Argo: I agree with what Vein said. Besides look at you, you don't even have it in you.

Koharu: Argo!

Vein: Whoa where did you come from. I didn't even see you in the crowds.

Argo: Those things doesn't matter right now.

Koharu: But this is just too much. Vein and I, we've been working hard just like everyone else...

Argo: I feel you, but right now is definitely not the time to make your stand. Like what Vein said, if you go down there you'll get flaunted around as proof of what he's saying. Just watch for now.

???: If I may? My name's Agil. Let me get this straight, you're saying... The beta testers didn't watch over everyone enough, and as a result people died and they should own up to it?

Kibaou: Well... yeah.

Agil: Now, I'm sure you have a copy of this Guide book here, yes? The item store hands them out for free.

Kibaou: Yeah, so?

Agil: The ones giving out the book are former testers.

Kibaou: Guh...

Agil: Everyone had equal access to this info. Even so, we've still seen countless deaths. I didn't come here to point fingers at anyone. I'm here to find out how we're gonna beat that boss as well as to learn from those mistakes.

Diavel: Agil is right. We need to keep our sights forward. Even if that means we bring testers. In fact, I think we need the strength of the testers to defeat the boss. I'm sure everyone has some reservations, but for now we need to focus our strength on taking down the Floor 1 boss!

Kibaou: Hmph! Fine. I'll follow your lead. But karma will find its due someday, you'll see!

Agil: Sorry for interrupting there. Please continue, Mr. Knight.

Koharu: Agil and Diavel really are something. They de-escalated that so fast. But what Guide book are they talking about?

Vein: I didn't even know there was a Guide book. I gotta pay attention to my surrounding more.

Koharu: Huh? Where did Argo disappear to? She was here a moment ago, right?

Diavel: Okay let's refocus again here. Now, about the boss we face. Truth is, the newest version of the Guide book just came out. According to it, the boss is called Illfang the Kobold Lord. And...

Despite Kibaou's interruption, the reminder of the meeting went smoothly.

Diavel: Okay, so we meet tomorrow by the Central Tolbana fountain. Dismissed!

Koharu: I never expected that Kibaou had that much on his mind... Hey, Vein. Do you think we should tell Diavel that we were testers, too?

Diavel: Tell me what now?

Koharu: Diavel, you see...

Diavel: Ah yes, I saw you both during the meeting. Thanks for deciding to join us. Let's show that boss what for!

Koharu: O-Of course! But you see...

Diavel: Hey I know now is not the best time, but there's something I want to ask of you. So during the meeting we got an update on the boss info from the beta test, yes? After looking it over, quite a few members are suddenly expressing concern about their weapons. Their levels are all high enough, though. So I'm going around finding people who are free to help get weapons.

Koharu: It's a boss after all. No matter how carefully we prepare, it's not like we can be too ready.

Diavel: And weapons that can take on the boss will do fine on floor 2. So can you get me some weapon material that the Slate Boar in Horunka Woods drop? If you can get 5 Melted Metal I need, that should be plenty. Just bring them here when you've got them. Good luck.

Koharu: Missed my chance to tell him, huh. But maybe now isn't really the time. Let's stay focused for now and talk with him later.

Vein: You got it Koharu.

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