The mysterious Sylph player, Leafa

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???: S-Sorry! I didn't expect anyone to be below me. Are you okay?

The mysterious person gets up from Vein.

Koharu: Forest Elf...! You must be the spy that stole the key, right?!

???: Wait, what? I'm not an Elf, I'm a Sylph. I mean, in ALO at least...

Vein: ALO?

???: Never mind that. Do you know anywhere around here where players gather together? I just made it to this Floor and still don't know what's what.

Koharu: Just made it up... So you mean, you're not an NPC, but another player?

???: I've been trying to tell you that, right?

Vein: I don't remember hearing that.

???: Okay, fine, I get it. I look ridiculous... But I didn't decide on this look, okay? There's a lot that happened. Anyway, backing up a bit, do you know where players gather up?

Vein: In front of the Teleport Gate.

???: I mean, I guess lots of people head through there... But they don't really gather up there, right?

Koharu: We're still working our way through this Floor. We might be able to help you if you're in need, but...

???: Don't worry. I made it all the way here on my own, so I don't feel like getting mixed up with anyone now.

Vein: I think it's a bit too late for that.

???: I'm REALLY sorry about that... But the fog is really bad around here, right? I thought if I got above it all I might get a better look. So I climbed all the way up there, but the fog just covers the whole place and you can't see a thing.

Vein: So that's why you came raining down.

???: I didn't fall! I jumped! I wouldn't have if I knew you were there, though...

Kizmel suddenly appears out of nowhere.

Kizmel: You have the aura of the manfolk, but you do not look like one... Pray tell, what are you!

Vein: Whoa Kizmel! You just appeared out of nowhere!

Kizmel: This? This is nothing. The people of the forest are full of tricks. A simple vanishing magic is the simplest of them all.

???: Wh-Who is this?!

Kizmel: I wish to ask you the same.

Koharu: Okay, so this really is a human, okay? And Kizmel isn't a bad guy either... So can we all just put our weapons away?

Kizmel: Indeed? If Koharu says so, it must be true. My apologies.

???: So, she's no Salamander... Not a Spriggan or an Imp either... Is she really an elf?

Kizmel: In the words of your people I am a Dark Elf... I am Kizmel, knight of Lyusula.

???: I'm Leafa. Nice to meet you. And who are you two?

Vein: My name's Vein, and this is Koharu.

Leafa: Vein and Koharu! Hey, can I ask you something...?

Leafa take both Vein and Koharu a bit away from Kizmel so she wouldn't hear what they were saying.

Leafa(Whisper): This elf here is an NPC, right? Players in SAO can only choose human avatars, right?

Koharu(Whisper): Yeah, you're right. But Kizmel is our friend now.

Leafa(Whisper): Ah... She's like an event NPC then. Okay, I'll try and stick to the story too, then.

They go back to where Kizmel is standing.

Leafa: So uhh, sorry. You were on a quest, weren't you?

Kizmel: Hmm... The language of man escapes me. But if you are asking if we are amidst a search, then yes.

Koharu: The Dark Elves had a treasure of theirs stolen by the Forest Elves. And the thief is somewhere in these woods, so we came out in search of them.

Kizmel: Unfortunately I found no trace to the east. Where could they be hiding...?

Leafa: Does this Wood Elf look something like me? If so I think I know where they are. I bumped into some rough talking guy, yeah? And he was saying something about how they were waiting for me to bring some key stolen from camp... I told him I didn't know what he was talking about and he got super mad and told me to get out of the Quest starting point. Which means... That Forest Elf is probably heading for that spot, don't you think?

Kizmel: So they've colluded with menfolk to steal our key, have they... Leafa, can you tell me exactly where this was?

Leafa: Straight down this road, towards the Teleport Gate. They got me as soon as I left the safe zone, so it really stuck out. Hey, you think I can join you guys? It'd be a pain to get mistaken for a Forest Elf again, but I feel like I'd be better off with you.

Vein: Hmm... Can you fight?

Leafa: Well, I've made it all the way to Floor 3. I can handle myself. Anyway, looks like we'll be together for a while!

Kizmel: That's reassuring. But the fog is filled with enemies in waiting. I'll watch over Leafa.

Koharu: Let's get back to searching, then! C'mon Vein!

All of them went to where Leafa encounter the rough talking guy.

Leafa: This is it. They came up to me right around here.

Koharu: I don't really see anyone here...

Kizmel: Quiet. ...There!

Forest Elf Spy: Ngh...!

Kizmel: Hiding in the shadows of the trees, just waiting for us to pass. A common strategy of the people of the forest. You may fool the menfolk, but you cannot fool me. Now hand over the Jade Key you stole from us.

Forest Elf Spy: The six keys belong to the Kales'Oh. I would never hand it over to a Dark Elf!

Vein: In that case, why don't you hand it to me than. After all I'm not a Dark Elf.

Forest Elf Spy: If you think I can be that easily fooled, than your wrong foolish man. I know your cooperating with the Dark Elf.

Vein: You know, I was trying to do it the easy way. But I guess you want it the hard way!

Forest Elf Spy: Foolish man, you think you can defeat me just by swinging your sword at me.

Koharu: That's where your wrong, his not alone.

The Forest Elf Spy looks around and saw everyone already draw their weapon out and readying themselves to attack him.

Forest Elf Spy: Fine, then let me show you all the true strength of the Forest Elves.

The Forest Elf Spy draws his sword.

Vein: Bring it then!

After Vein finish talking, both the Forest Elf Spy and Vein charge towards each other and clash their sword into a sword lock.

Vein: I'll love to see this strength of yours!

Forest Elf Spy: If you wish to see it so badly, I'll show it to you now!

Both of them stared at each other intensely for a few seconds before moving their sword away from the sword lock. They then enter a sword clash.

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