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Vein: Kayaba...This whole talk was to force us to accept what his saying...

Boy player 1: This is some kind of joke right? No way!

Boy player 2: Cut the crap! Let us out of here!

Girl player 1 : No... I don't wanna play anymore...Mommie...

Girl player 2: Stop messing with us!

(The plaza is overwhelmed with a mix of screaming,crying and panic.)

Vein: Everyone is panicking! One wrong move could be fatal... Damn it! Kayaba you bastard! Huh...Koharu she's over there.Guess she also use her real face.

(Vein quickly rushes to Koharu)

Vein: KOHARU!!!

(Vein grabs Koharu only to realize she's crying)

Vein: !!!

Koharu: Vein...we...can never go home...We've been trapped here...

Vein: Come on let's find some place quiet first.(Thinking)Kirito,Klein hope you guys are doing well. I hope I'll be able to see you guys again so survive! Wherever you guys are!  

(Vein and Koharu go to Merchant District and finds a bench and sit down)

Vein: Are you feeling better?

Koharu: Yeah...Thanks Vein and I'm sorry.

Vein: Sorry? For what?

Koharu: For freaking out... I should have kept calm.

Vein: It's ok. You had every right to panic. Plus, I don't mind!

Koharu: Thanks Vein! If only I have the same will as yours. 

Vein: What? Why are you saying that?

Koharu: Well is because you kept calm even after knowing you can't go back home. You didn't cry or panic.In fact if you hadn't came to me I might still be at the Teleport Gate crying.

Vein: The only reason I was able to stay so calm is because of you Koharu!

Koharu: Huh?

Vein: You see I'm actually 16 year's old and back IRL I didn't have any friend.I was pretty much anti and bully by everyone.

Koharu: Why's that?

Vein: Two years ago when I was 14 I actually did have friends but I mess up. I have this classmate who always makes trouble around class yet somehow he still made a lot of friends. Since his a trouble student my science teacher report about him to my homeroom teacher and the next day she ask if he had cause trouble around class. I of cause told my teacher the truth but other than me everyone in class defended him! They saw what I did and started attacking me telling my teacher that I'm lying. So ever since than all my friend unfriend me afraid that I'll snitch on them when they do something bad.

Koharu: Than what happen?

Vein: Well they proceed to tell their friends.Telling them to not be my friend saying that I'll snitch on them. And In just 3 days everyone in my grade knows about me! So for the next two years no one wanted to be friends with me and criticize everything I do and for whatever happen in class. They even try to take me down during an exam, they somehow hid their note paper and then threw it at me! The second the paper fell on me they call the teacher telling her that I try cheating in exam but I couldn't defend myself since the note paper didn't have their name on it.In the end they decided to fail me.

Koharu: That's horrible! They did all that just because you told the truth.

Vein: Yeah, I was at my breaking point back then. I wanted revenge so bad however thanks to my parents for always believing in me I keep on going. I just ignored all the bullying and continue on with my kendo training.Then back in the beta when I first met you, you ask if you could be my friend! It shock me, I realize that I finally made a friend after two years.It was all thanks to you Koharu, If I hadn't met you back then I wouldn't be able to be so calm and would have freak out to.So thank you Koharu!

Koharu: Guess both of us help each other without even realizing it at first!

Vein: I guess your right.

Koharu: So this is your real face you didn't change at all, guess both of us had the same idea as well. You actually look quite handsome.

Vein: And you look quite cute as well!

Koharu: Thanks!

(Both of them look at each other and started to blush)

Vein: So partners?

Koharu: Partners!

???: Aww how touching.

Vein: Ahhh!!! What the...when were you here and how long have you been there?!

???: Long enough to hear your backstory.

Vein: Hey that was supposed to be only between Koharu and me! And who are you anyway?

???: Hehe...sorry, the name's Argo! Nice to meetcha!

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