The Absolute Sword, Yuuki

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Vein: Looks like we've gotta fight our way out! Which is fine by me, now then bring it on!

???: Foolish human, a grave poison already runs through her. She gave what little life she had to protect you, but you want to throw that away? The other Dark Elves we put down were just the same. Throwing away their lives to protect a weakling. What fools...


???: What the-?!

???: What a nuisance!

???: You're ones to talk! How dare you talk down to those willing to risk their lives for others! You have no right! How about it? You ready to give up on that Lapis Key or whatever and just leave? 

???: I'd advise you to pretend you never saw any of this and just go... But, well... Any eyes that fall upon us must be closed for eternity.

???: Well fine then. Bring it on. I'm Yuuki! I'll take the girl here! Let's go!

Vein: I don't know what's happening, but I do know that she's on our side. Let's go and help her out Koharu.

Koharu: Right!

Fallen Elf Warrior 2: You think you can just pick whoever you want to fight. That's not happeni-AHHH!

Vein: Sorry, but she just did.

Fallen Elf Warrior 2: Why you little...!

Fallen Elf Warrior 1: Is okay! Let me handle her. You handle those two.

Fallen Elf Warrior 2: If you say so. Now then time to pay back for attacking me from behind!

Vein: Well, then come and get me.

Fallen Elf Warrior 2: Hiyah!

Vein blocks the incoming attack with his sword and then enter a sword lock.

Fallen Elf Warrior 2: Impressive, to think a human have the strength to block a Fallen Elf attack. But that won't last long!

The Fallen Elf activate a sword skill and starts to push back Vein.

Vein: Your not... The only one... With a sword skill! Activate Cross Arc!

Vein activate Cross Arc and starts pushing back the Fallen Elf. Both of them keep pushing each other back and forth for a few second until they went back into a sword lock.

Vein/Fallen Elf Warrior 2: AAAARGH!!! 

Vein: Koharu now!

Koharu: Mirage Thrust!

Koharu uses Mirage Thrust and attack the Fallen Elf back.

Fallen Elf Warrior 2: Gah!

Vein: Gotcha!

Vein pushes the Fallen Elf sword away and slashes his stomach. The Fallen Elf immediately jumps back.

Vein: I don't know how, but that tactic always work. Even though they supposed to have far more experience in combat that us. But hey, I won't complain, if it works it works.

Fallen Elf Warrior 1: Gah!!!

Fallen Elf Warrior 2: Huh?! 

The Fallen Elf looks back to see his comrade getting overwhelm with attacks by the girl.

Fallen Elf Warrior 2: That girl's attack speed is insane, I got to help her.

Vein: Why don't you worry about yourself first!

Fallen Elf Warrior 2: Oh no!

The Fallen Elf turn back only to get his shoulder slash down by Vein and Koharu making a big V.

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