[5] "I mean-"

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hi, sorry for not updating for a while. but i will make it up to yall for the next update :>

Blaire wakes up from her bed, she groans as she forces herself up and fixed her hair. She looks at Chaeyeon who was still sleeping. She laughed a little before grabbing her phone and walking downstairs.

Blaire walked directly to the kitchen, to the fridge and searched what to cook for breakfast.

"Eggs, bacons, nuggets..hmm." She said as she scanned the fridge and closes it. "That should be enough." She says in english and rolls her sleeves.

Nako and Hitomi both walked downstairs as they smelled that scent. "It's probably Chaeyeon cooking." Nako says and soon receives a knock from their door.

"Good morning girls." Chaeyeon opens the door and the two tilts their head in unison in confusion. "Who's cooking?" Nako asks and Chaeyeon shrugs.

The three walk downstairs to the kitchen, they hid behind the wall and secretly took a peak. "It's Blaire." Hitomi whispers and Nako shushes her.

"I didn't know she cooks." Chaeyeon says to herself. "Luna didn't informed me about this." She added.

"You can now eat guys. I can hear you guys from there." Blaire shouts and Chaeyeon was the first one to stepped out of her hiding place.

"Smells nice!" Chaeyeon says and Blaire smiles at her that made Chaeyeon's heart flutter a bit. Hitomi and lastly Nako sits on to their sits and seeing the breakfast, nicely cooked.

"It's nice, I didn't know you cook." Hitomi says and Blaire sits beside Nako. "Is it good? I added a little more to your plate. I'm sorry for what happened." Blaire says and Chaeyeon smiled at their situation.

"It's nice, but you're still not forgiven." Nako says and Blaire frowns...

*Ring! Ring!*

Blaire's phone rings, getting the attention of the three facing her. "Um excuse me, I'll just take this call. Enjoy your breakfast." Blaire says and leaves the three...

Blaire accepts the call and places her phone beside her ear. "Hello?" She says and she hears a sigh as a response. "I'm guessing this is Maya?" She says and hears a laughter.

"How's south korea? Met any friends so far?" Maya asks and Blaire hums. "Well yeah. I met a lot I think. They are really friendly and kind to me, which is a good thing." Blaire says in english..

Little did she know that the three girls was eavesdropping-

"I don't get what they're saying Unnie." Hitomi whispers to Chaeyeon but the oldest shushed them off.

"Do you have any plans to go here?" Blaire asks and Maya agrees. "Yeah. I just wanted to ask how are you doing there so that I'll have to arrange my passport and probably to keep in touch with you." Maya says and Blaire smiles as she thinks of how Maya was thoughtful-

"So? I'll call you later again, Sis." Maya says and the phone call ends.

Blaire slips her phone inside her pocket and walks back to the dining room, Seeing the three peacefully eating their breakfast.

"Is the breakfast good?" Blaire says in korean and Hitomi nods at her and flashes a thumbs up.

"Oh yeah Blaire, I'm going to meet up with Hyewon, and the others.  Wanna come with me?" Chaeyeon says and Blaire smiles at her regards that she's still shy..


Soon Chaeyeon and Blaire arrives at the coffee shop that Hyewon works as a part time job. Chaeyeon and Blaire sits across Hyewon but Chaeyeon had to excuse herself...

"I'm gonna have to guide the others, since Yujin doesn't know how to locate the address I sent to her." Chaeyeon says and leaves Hyewon and Blaire alone..

Hyewon then drinks her water and stares at Blaire, with a poker face..

"How's Chaeyeon as your dorm mate?" Hyewon asks and Blaire hums "She's like a mother." Blaire replies and Hyewon finally smiles.

"You know, I'm kind of distracted to your face." Hyewon changes the topic and Blaire was a bit shy. "W-Why is there something on my face?" She asks and stutters but Hyewon waves her hand.

"It's not that." Hyewon corrects...

"I mean, You look really pretty."

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