[15] "Can i..."

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As Eunbi stayed beside Luna, she took care of her until the younger have gained consciousness. "E-Eunbi.." Luna said and tried to sit but fell instead.

"You should rest for now, the exams are just 2 months away from now. Focus on your health first." Eunbi said with a serious and worried tone. Luna smiled to her.

"Thank you Eunbi-unnie." Luna thanked her and soon Wonyoung arrived inside the infirmary. Wonyoung stepped forward and grabbed Luna's hand. "Are you okay? Can you stand-"

"Wonyoung you're overreacting. Luna is fine." Eunbi said causing the maknae to pout and freed Luna's hand.

"Although she's still fine but I need someone that can guide her home.." Eunbi said.

"I can't today, I have practice with my club." Wonyoung said as she looked down.

"I'll walk her home." Another voice joined.

Yujin stepped forward and stood beside Luna's bed. While Luna smiled to her. "Thanks Yujin." Luna thanked her while Yujin was trying to hide her flustered face.

"Alright. Me and Wonyoung will be going now. And Yujin..." Eunbi said and leaned forward to Yujin's ear.

"Please take care of your girl." Eunbi whispered and Yujin flashed a smile and a thumbs up to Eunbi before going outside the infirmary with Wonyoung.

Yujin then turned to Luna who was still having a hard time alone. "Lets go home now." luna muttered and Yujin gently helped her to stand up on her own.

"Are you still feeling dizzy?" Yujin asks and Luna shooked her head. "A bit and I feel exhausted. Lets just go home please." Luna said and Yujin nervously nodded and wore Luna's backpack.

As soon as they reached the school grounds. They walked towards Yujin's car and Yujin opened the door for the sick girl. She placed Luna's bag behind them and then Yujin hopped in and drove towards Luna's house.

It was awkward.

The car's atmosphere was so silent.

Yujin thought she did something bad towards to the girl so she can't even start a conversation. until..

"Hey.." Luna spoke and Yujin hummed with her eyes still focused on the road.

"Thank you." Luna said and Yujin smiled. "No problem. I just wanted to repay you for what i've done." Yujin said and Luna smiled weakly.

"it's fine.." luna answered

"i know its not fine--" yujin said but luna cutted her off again.

"we're here. please stop the car." luna said and yujin did as she said.

as luna left the car with her backpack and a facemask covering her mouth and nose.. yujin left as well and grabbed her wrist. "i still have a question, luna." yujin said and luna looked at her weakly.

"what is it?" luna replied.

"will you go on a prom with me?" yujin nervously asked and luna just took of her mask; sweating.

"yes." luna answered while yujin had her eyes wide opened.

"just please don't lie to me anymore." luna added and yujin was so excited that she just nodded and hugged the sick girl.

"one more thing, luna." yujin said as she pulled away from the hug. "what is it again?" luna asked and yujin looked serious.

"can i kiss you?" yujin asked while luna nodded.

yujin grabbed luna's chin and slowly leaned forward luna closed her eyes...until both of their lips....



one point for yujin!

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