[14] Stress

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author vi here :) i hope yall are enjoying this book. keep voting and commenting!


Yena and Chaewon walked together through the hallways. pretending that they're friends when it comes to Luna.. but they're actualy thinking on how to ask Luna to the prom.

Back to Wonyoung and Yujin. Yujin just walked past of the younger, leaving Wonyoung dumbfounded but she still managed to shout some words.

"You still think you can have Luna alone?" Wonyoung asked Yujin, the taller one chuckled and smirked. "Why? Why do you even care?"

"Because I like her.." Wonyoung muttered those words while Yujin sighed.

"We're in the same position child. But now I told myself, I'm gonna make Luna mine." Yujin said and walked away as Wonyoung can't see her anymore.


Luna sighed as she sat alond in the middle of the library trying to distract herself from the books that Ryujin suggested to her.

But it can't be help. the five girls keep on popping inside her head. "I shouldn't have wrote that damn letter." she said out loud and sighed again but heavier this time.

as she took the books on her hands, she walked towards to the shelf in which the books belongs to. as she placed it properly, she rested her forehead to sheld and just as she was about to cry all the stress out--

"hey, are you alright?" a girl asked her and luna just turned to her and nodded. "i'm fine, thanks for the concern--"

luna was getting dizzy, so she quickly grabbed onto the shelf, trying hard to stay still and pretend fine to the girl behind her.

"lets get you to the infirmary- woah!"

the girl said and she quickly catched luna on time before luna could have bang her head down on to the floor.

the girl carried luna, and surprisingly she ran outside the library as fast as she could and laid luna on top of the infirmary's bed.

"you look familiar.."  luna muttered but as exhausted she was.. she blacked out.

the girl sighed and took a strand of luna's hair and placed it behind her ear.

the girl smiled weakly..

"it's me, Eunbi."

To All The Girls I Loved Before ✔Where stories live. Discover now