[40] First Kiss

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But I'd still go with the votings. Wonyoung has the most votes. She's the first one :)

[Wonyoung Ending]


Luna steps on her bike's pedal as fast as she can to arrive at Wonyoung's place even when it's raining really hard. Although her house is like a mansion and is fully guarded by securities- Luna still did what she have to.

She jumps off of her bike and runs to Wonyoung's mansion's gate. "Wonyoung! Yah! We need to talk!" She shouts but two security guards walks toward her instead.

"Excuse me but Wonyoung doesn't want to talk to anyone right now, plus we don't have the permission to let you go inside."

"Please just leave." the guards say and Luna kicks the gate, making a loud bang that irritated the guards. "I need to see your master!" She shouts and one of the security guard clicks his tongue.

"If you won't leave then we will make you--"

"Enough! Don't you dare lay a finger on her!"

Luna looks at the left side of the security and sees the younger one. "Wonyoung.." She mutters. The maids tries to stop the latter but Wonyoung still runs to Luna with umbrella.

"But Young lady, She's a stranger-" The guards says.

"Do you talk to your master like that?" Wonyoung cuts him off and the guards stands quietly as they shakes their head. "Come on, let's go inside to my room." Wonyoung whispers and drags Luna inside her room even when she's still drenched with the rain.

"Go take a shower, I'll get you some clothes to wear." Wonyoung awkwardly says and leaves Luna alone to her room. "She didn't even let me reply." Luna sighs.

Soon enough, Luna walks out of the shower right after Wonyoung placed the clothes she has for Luna to wear. Luna takes a peak and sees Wonyoung talking to herself.

"God. Luna's here.." She continues to say.

Luna clears her throat and then walks inside Wonyoung's room awkwardly. "Wonyoung-" "Luna-"

"You first." They says in unison.

"No you should go first." Luna speaks and then Wonyoung nods like a kid and sits on her bed.. "I heard from when you were still in gate, you wanted to talk to me? Are you here to reject me?..."

Wonyoung looks down on her lap, trying not to give in to her emotions, or like trying not to cry.

Luna walks and sits beside the latter. She grabs Wonyoung's hands causing her to raise her head. "Remember what you said to me?" Luna says.

"Everything is gonna be fine, you said to me." Luna smiles. "And of course I'm not here to reject a cutie who's been trying to express someone dumb like me." Luna jokes and it somewhat made Wonyoung smiles.

"I love you." Wonyoung mutters.

Luna heard it but being the girl she is..

"What? Sorry, I didn't catched that." Luna lies and but then Wonyoung pouts and picks up the nearest stuff toy she has to hide her face...

"I said, I love you." She says behind the human sized teddy bear. Luna giggles "I love you too!" She shouts and then jumps to Wonyoung.

Luna then smiles and runs her hand to Wonyoung's belly. "How old are you?" Luna asks. "15" Wonyoung replies.

"Alright, You get 15 tickles." Luna says and then starts to tickle Wonyoung to her belly to her neck and the younger continues to laugh..

"Yah! stop!" Wonyoung says and then Luna did what she said.

Wonyoung and Luna sits and rests their back on to the latter's bed; headboard. "Remember what you said to me?" Wonyoung asks Luna.

Luna furrows her eyebrows.

"That I'm so cute that you want to kiss me?" Wonyoung says and Luna remembers it.

"Pft. Are you saying that you want me to kiss you?" Luna says and Wonyoung avoids contact. "I mean it's not like I want you to." she replies and hugs the bear on her lap.

Luna chuckles. "Okay close your eyes."

Wonyoung turns head back to Luna and closes her eyes. Luna grins as she sees the beauty of the younger. Luna leans closer and closer, and the same time she closes her eyes as well.

Their lips have finally touched.

However, Luna pulls back before they even do more. "That's it?" Wonyoung says and Luna laughs. "You're still a child to do more that that, okay?" Luna says and then winks.

"Wait.. I'll have to go call my sister." Luna says but Wonyoung grabs her hand for a moment.

"Are we together now?" She asks shyly and Luna smiles. "Well then, what do you want us to be?"

"Lovers." Wonyoung replies.

"Then lovers it is." Luna says and winks as she leaves the younger's room.

Wonyoung smiles to herself as she touches her lips.

"Her lips tastes so sweet."


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