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- Golden Pillar -

"Now that the rankers who were guarding this place are gone, this is a piece of cake," said Evan as he left after he freed two slayers who immediately returned to the battlefield.

Bam swung Black March and hit White from behind which pissed the latter.

"Hey! Who the hell just hit me from behind?!"

"White...! How did you get your power back?" Bam questioned.

"WAS IT YOU?!" White couldn't believe that he was hit on the back of his head by someone who he wanted to save, although it was out of promise.

"No matter how desperate I may be, I don't want help from a demon like you."

"... I don't really want to help you either, but I made a promise with someone. And it looks like you are the 'ace' in this fight. If you die here, it would hurt my pride as a slayer!"

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

The crack was slowly getting bigger and bigger. And pink lotus petal started to appear one by one.

Callan's mind was in disarray. He was frustrated. After thinking about it, he finally understood it.

'The [ Cleanse ] that she uses weakened my [ Domain ] internally, and cooperated with people from the outside, they are starting to beak my [ Domain ]!'

His [ Domain ] couldn't be broken easily. He had put skulls to watch over and even prepared corrosive shockwaves. Not to mention that the orb was extremely tough. Most of his enemies surrendered after realizing the fact that they couldn't break his [ Domain ], but now, it was starting to break by some regulars?

He couldn't accept this. And the young girl, although she knew that the chance of her winning wasn't high, she still refused to surrender.

'Was it because she knew that her [ Cleanse ] could weaken my domain and believed that her friends could break my [ Domain ]? She trusted her friends so much? What if they fail and it's all in vain?'

She was concentrated with her [ Cleanse ]. Despite the pressure that she felt, she held on his hand tightly.

Callan knew that if he had just added more pressure to her, then she would lose. But he refused. He refused to believe that her [ Cleanse ] would be able to purify his [ Tarnish ], so he chose to do this in the hard way. He was the type of person to make things harder for himself to gain better sense of satisfaction the moment he received victory.

'I don't believe that I will lose to you.'

Black shockwaves were released once more, as he focused his strength on [ Tarnish ]. And the stronger he became, the more Charlotte was in trouble.

And Altaira and Nathan felt the effect from the outside.

'The orb suddenly becomes stronger?' Altaira noticed it as the orb was trying to push the spear away. Altaira retaliated and held the spear tighter, pushing it deeper as to destroy the orb completely. 'Could it be that something has happened inside?'

"The [ Black Ribbon ] couldn't hold it any longer!" Nathan informed.

He created more vines on the air and stabbed the orb with it, trying to break it from all directions. And both Charlotte and Callan who were inside the [ Domain ] could feel it.

'His [ Domain ] is getting weaker...!'

'Damn it! After I'm finished here, see how I'll deal with those people outside!'

'I won't lose to you!'

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

When Karaka found Bam was holding the Black March tightly and remained on his spot, he was confused. So he asked the brown- haired youngster, "What are you doing? Why are you running away?"

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang