2 • 145 • 157

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- Strings of Blessings -

"Charlotte, you are quite blessed, you know?" The lady asked to Charlotte who was resting with her head on the lady's lap.

She slowly opened her golden eyes and replied calmly, "Yes. I know it."

"I'm honestly envious of your hourglass. Your hourglass, although it is limited, you can still bring back people to life," the lady answered. "Your ability is so rare, rare to the point where people are willing to kill each other and die just to get it."

She smiled bitterly, "...I guess you're probably right."

"You don't sound quite pleased," the lady pointed out."

"Probably because the people who I want to bring back... couldn't be saved with the hourglass anymore," she answered regretfully.

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

The blanket of silence covered all of them for a second.

"You... what did you just say?" Endorsi asked again in disbelief.

Soyong ran towards Charlotte and held her hands. Her eyes were filled with expectations, "Can you really bring Ryu- Ahn back to life?"

"Soyong! You trust her outrageous words?!" Sowa couldn't believe it.

When a blue- colored electrical spear was stabbed on the ground, Sowa sealed his mouth again and remained silent.

Charlotte didn't actually think that someone would believe her words since she didn't have many expectations as well. With the current strength of her hourglass, she could only resurrect people who died in 50 minutes. Longer than that and it would be nothing but a waste of time and strength.

"It's a gamble," she answered. "But one that is worth to try."

When Soyong released her hands, she began to try her luck.

[ Time - Manipulation ]

The same transparent golden clock appeared underneath them. This time, the clock was as large as the Dock Control Room.

[ Time Reverse ]

Rays of golden light rose from the golden clock and went to the corpses. The moment every single ray of light touched the corpse, it will vanish and the corpse will be surrounded by golden light.

[ Strings of Blessing ]

The bloods that dropped on the ground began to rise and returned to the owners as their wounds began to heal. The process happened quickly and in several seconds, their wounds were completely closed.

"She really...... revived them...?" Sowa looked at the scene in disbelief.

'The ability to bring back the death... even though it's limited just to 50 minutes....' Bam stared at his sister in amazement. '... it's an amazing ability.'

'The ability who everyone desires for,' Altaira thought. Unlike Bam who was fascinated, a part of Altaira was worried. 'If anyone else knows about her ability, then they would resort to all methods to get her ability. Conquer, control, threaten...... this ability could just be a magnet attracting more troubles.'

Once the process was done, the giant clock disappeared. And the people who once died started to open their eyes again.

"What... happened?"

"I thought I died already?"

"They're back alive again!" Sowa exclaimed in surprise. And Soyong immediately looked at Ryu- Ahn.

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now