2 • 123 • 135

265 20 11

- Three Routes, Three Trials: Beginning -

"What a poor man. You want to protect her, but she chose to leave you to save everyone else."

He still remembered how he extended his hand to help him, right when he mourned for what he had lost.

"What about this? I could give you what you want, but in return, you must do me a favor."

"What...... favor...?" He asked him weakly.

"Kill a single person for me, and I shall grant your deepest desire."

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

The walls made of stones were destroyed by the immense and powerful shinsu.

The fresh air from the outside seriously felt nice, the short break that she received after the endless training made her felt relaxed.

Her body was exhausted, but she could feel that her power was recovering quickly. But still, after a torturous one month of revolution, she felt too lazy to move even when her power was recovering and she would be fine soon.

The wind felt nice. It was even nicer because she was lying next to her brother. It was so quiet that it almost made her forget that this might just be her last break and her last moment with her brother.

 "Get up now," said the long blue- haired man. He glanced at the pair of twins who were slowly opening their eyes to see the blue sky again.

"It's time to go."

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

If it wasn't for Khun Edahn ordering her and her brother to get quick, then they may be spending their time with their friends for awhile. But their time was limited.

After she changed into another set of clothes, she opened the door of her room and found someone was standing outside. 


Khun was standing outside of her room and was ready to knock the door if she didn't open it.


He looked at the girl who was shorter than him. After one month, they could see each other again. But it was just for awhile.

"...... the others are waiting at the outside," he spoke. "I come here to see if you are ready."

Charlotte smiled and answered, "I am."

"Do you... still remember our promise?"


"You promised me that you won't lose. And I promise you that if I ever fall to coma, I will wake up in two years," he reminded her. "Don't tell me you've forgotten it?"

"Oh, that one," she said with a calm smile. "No. I don't forget about it."

"Then how confident are you that you will win this fight?" He asked again.

"70%, I guess," she answered.

Khun was not assured at all. Unless she had a complete chance of victory, he assumed that he won't be able to calm himself down. He was worried, for she could get badly hurt.

She walked out of her room and closed her door, leaning against it.

"You don't need to be worried. This one month, we've been practicing really hard!" She said with her bright and cheerful smile. "They said that hard works won't betray us, right? We will be fine!"

The more she spoke, the more worried he felt. He was not worried about her strength wouldn't improve, but he was more worried that Christ might just break his words or cheat on the fight. As the owner of the puppet, he could just make the puppet unimaginably strong to gain an easy victory. If that was the case, who will be there to stand for her?

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