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- The Crocodile is back! -


Charlotte walked and looked at the night sky.

If at the time she didn't listen to Bam and turned around, letting him knocked her out, right now, she must be together with Bam. It wasn't easy for them to meet again with each other but now, they were separated again. The Workshop Battle that she had waited for finally came.

"Hey, Nox!" Wangnan called her. Even though she had said her real name, the others were used already calling her like that. "What are you doing there alone? Come here!"

Charlotte smiled a little and then followed them.

|Khun's Room|

Dan and Wangnan brought Charlotte inside Khun's room to cheer for Endorsi and they were being quite loud. When Charlotte looked at Khun, he didn't look like interested. In fact, he looked serious like usual.

"Didn't you say that we should get some rest?" Charlotte asked him with her same playful smile. "Then why don't you relax for a bit? Is there something bothering you?"

"What is bothering me.... Can't you see it by yourself?" He asked back.

Charlotte knew what bothered Khun. Wangnan invited Dan and her to watch in his room and used his money to do whatever they want. She smiled even wider when she figured it out as it wasn't something bad. 

Endorsi and her team were having an interview. When Charlotte saw Altaira and Celeste were also there with Shibisu's team, she cheered for them happily. But when she saw them carefully, Charlotte could see that there seemed to be some new members on their team.

"Why didn't you tell me that my brother climbed the tower with Shibisu and the others?" Charlotte asked Khun.

"What? Altaira is your brother?" Wangnan asked her in disbelief. "Isn't Viole your only brother?"

"Hm...Brother Altaira is also my brother" Charlotte said. "The two of them are my brothers!"

"Altaira probably bumped into them on their way here" Khun answered. "He climbed the tower with Celeste and formed another team for himself."

"Oh...." Charlotte nodded her head and hummed in understanding.

Endorsi said to her fans that she was going to defeat Jue Viole Grace for them while Shibisu, he said that he didn't care at all. He said that Viole was just another regular there.

Charlotte didn't really believe in it. Her old friends seemed to be eager to hunt down Viole and the only reason she could think of for it was because Khun Aguero Agnes who was said to die in the Hand of Arlene because of the slayer candidate. But even if she assumed it right, they won't admit it and Khun won't believe it either. But their actions prove that their relationships were close even though they hadn't meet for seven years. 

Charlotte can't wait to bring Bam back to them. If they knew that they weren't dead yet, she wondered about their reactions and expressions. She was sure that their reactions will be worth it.

The screen then suddenly blurred and alerted them. To their surprise- except for Charlotte- the screen changed into something else.

"Hello, E- regulars at the Workshop Battle.

I'm IO, one of the hosts of this Workshop Battle. Are you enjoying the beautiful night views of Sephia Island? The beach here is one of the most beautiful places in the thirty floor middle area, so don't miss it.

But no matter how beautiful night views are, you must be looking forward to your departure. I know this time must be a bit boring for you. So, for your entertainment, we've prepared a game."

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