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- Decisions -

Bam told Charlotte everything that happened in the Floor of Death when she was unconscious and resting. From his explanation, Charlotte concluded that she had to prepare herself for a death match with Charlotte.

"Charlotte is Christ's puppet. He will definitely give her enough power to defeat you" said Khun. "You have to brace yourself."

"I thought you are going to say a few words to support me?" Charlotte asked with an awkward smile. Really, among all of them, only Khun had the ability to speak scary and terrifying things as if they were nothing.

"If I'm not wrong, that old man will definitely give the same power just like yours" said Noah. "There is nothing wrong with Khun's words actually, for you really have to brace yourself. All these time you encountered enemies who don't have similar abilities with yours. But now, a tough opponent has appeared."

Of course Charlotte understood that. There was a high chance that Christ was going to give Charlotte the same ability as hers- Time Manipulation. Not to mention that Charlotte must have the strong desire to kill her for she believed that she took everything from her.


Charlotte sighed in stress. Her expression didn't look good.

"What's wrong?" Noah tilted his head a bit with his arms crossed. "Based on your abilities and experiences, there is still a chance for you to win. That Charlotte hasn't fight for 8 years more....do you think she could be better than you?"

"But...." She scratched her cheek with a sheepish smile. "No matter what....this is actually her ability. Using her ability to go against her.....I don't think it is the right idea."


"Tender- hearted" Khun responded with hint of sarcasm.

"Well, if you aren't willing to use the Time Manipulation, you could use the lotus power that you had" Noah said.

"Lotus?" Charlotte echoed.

"It's your ability" Noah answered. "Back then when I analyzed the 13 chains and the hourglass, I didn't find a trace of the lotus power. But after you nearly died in the Floor of Death.....you feel it as well right? The power within you."

Charlotte nodded her head. She pondered about his words before she looked at Noah again.

"But no matter what, in the past, I'm nothing but an ordinary girl. How could I possibly have my own ability?" She asked him once more.

Right, she always thought that all she had now actually belonged to Charlotte. Therefore, she was surprised to know that this lotus was her power. She touched her new forehead mark while thinking about it.

"Well, this is the tower. Anything could happen."

"You might be right."

Charlotte still didn't have the idea to fight against Charlotte. She needed the time to think on how to face Charlotte properly in the Hidden Floor later on.

But put that thought aside first. She looked at her brother and asked, "Oh right, brother. You've met the Poe Bidau Gustang right?"


"Did he ask you about something you want? Your desire?"


Charlotte smiled and asked him again, "Then what did you ask for?"

Bam wondered whether he should tell Charlotte or not. Seeing Charlotte's golden eyes, she must have expected something big and interesting. Will he be mad if he tell him the truth?

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now