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- Secrets Revealed -

Mata was surprised when the woman was able to control a winged beast. It seemed like it was really hard to control a winged beast in the Floor of Death that even Mata, the parasite, was surprised.

They went inside the winged beast, Yadu.

The woman told both Mata and Hockney to wait outside before she entered a room with both Charlotte and Bam. Mata was curious but Hockney warned him to not mind others' businesses a lot.

Inside a whole different room, the woman spoke up again.

"I know you must be curious about lots of things" she said to both of them. "It's just the three of us here so ask me whatever you like."

".....who.......are you....?" Bam finally had the chance to ask.

"I am Garam Zahard. I'm the princess of Zahard who went missing with the two of Thirteen Months series long ago" the woman answered with a grin.

Bam was surprised to hear that. He knew that the woman who turned out to be Garam Zahard who was said to disappear for a long time must be the princess of the deep sea girl, the person whom Bam should meet in order to find his thorn.

"Why.....why would a Princess of Zahard....... here.....?"

Be in a place that Zahard forbid the Zahard Princesses to come?

"I told you. I disappeared with two of the Thirteen Month Series. I betrayed the Zahard Family and have been hiding here" she truthfully answered. "I found out too much truth to stay in the Zahard Family. Like why we ended up being selected as princesses and fighting, why we cannot rise to higher positions, what kind of person our father, King Zahard, is....and, about your existence."

"Y....you know about me?!" Bam was shocked.

"Yes" Garam answered. "But not the person behind you."

The person behind Bam, who else could that be but Charlotte? She had been hiding on her brother's back, uncomfortable and alerted against this Princess of Zahard.

She knew why Garam was suspicious of her and she was worried that this Princess of Zahard might either expose.....or kill her.

Both of the women understand the reason why Garam didn't recognize Charlotte's existence when she recognized Bam's existence, but Bam didn't understand what happened between these two women.

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

Meanwhile, the group was quite unlucky to encounter a group of immortal giant beetles that no matter how many times and how hard Yuri beat them, will always stay alive and even increase in number.

After they ran and reached a place with large space, Yuri used her rose petals and temporarily stopped the giant beetles from following them. On the other hand, the regulars who were being carried and stuck together with Evan's red Adam's Glove met with someone who looked alike with Hwaryun.

The woman had her red hair tied into two buns with a pair of red eyes. She also had a bandage on her cheek. She promised them that she was going to show them the way to meet Hwaryun and Raisin so right now, she was leading the group the way to meet them.

"Those guys.....they took the easiest path on their own!" said Endorsi with an annoyed look while crossing her arms. She was referring to both Hwaryun and Raisin. "I knew that she would know about some other path!"

".......I see" Khun responded, though he sounded rather distracted. He was wondering about the twins who were separated from them.

"...what about our guide, Evan?" Yuri asked, glaring at the Silver Dwarf. "Even guides lose their sense of directions here? It feels like it's the time for me to switch guides."

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