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- War -

Now that the two slayers were caught already, Yuri, Evan, and Nathan returned to the warship to greet the Division Commander.

The Division Commander Cheonhee Ha bowed down to Yuri, "Welcome on board, Princess Yuri. I didn't get to greet you properly just now because I was busy leading troops."

When Nathan saw Cheonhee Ha in person, he immediately got the impression that the Division Commander before him was a firm and extremely loyal person with no- nonsense attitude. She appeared to be a diligent person with sharp mind and was observant.

"Long time no see. You have gotten so much beautiful and more commanding than before."

Yuri just laughed, "Oh, come on. You don't have to be so formal around him. I heard you joined the army and now you're a Division Commander? You're amazing, Cheonhee."

"I'm flattered."

"Don't be! I never once beat you when we used to practice together. You were so damn strong."

"...are you proud of that, princess?" Evan questioned.

'Is she really that strong?' Nathan curiously wondered. 'Stronger than our princess?'

"So what is going on? Why is everyone gathering in this station?" Yuri started to dig some information.

"The Commander- in- Chief recently issued an order. The regulars teamed up with FUG and took control over the train, so he ordered us to arrest them all and bring them to him. I heard that there was a signal to punish them but I didn't think that you would be here, Princess Yuri."

"Hm, I see. I heard some rumors about that too so I went to the train to  take out those FUG slayers. It looks like we did pretty well since we managed to capture two slayers," Yuri replied. "Anyway, those regulars didn't do anything wrong. It was all those damn slayers."

"... that's not for me to decide. Whatever misunderstanding there may have been, the order I was given was to bring them all of them back. I'm simply following the orders, princess," Cheonhee explained. "Whether they are guilty or not, it's an issue that would be discussed later."

"So what are you going to do?"

Nathan now realized that this was not a simple conversation between two relatives from the same family. The Division Commander was doubting them.

"I just heard from the station a moment ago. It looks like a group of regulars managed to enter the station. There's a good chance that they are the companions of the regulars who we caught since their escape appears to have been organized quite well. As long as they are inside the station, there's no way for us, rankers, to touch them," Cheonhee explained her plan to them. "So, as of this moment, until they walk out from the station by themselves, we're going to execute the hostages we've captured one by one."

Her plan surprised the three of them, as Cheonhee seemed to understand the weakness of the regulars as the whole team.

'Those regulars care for one another a lot. They won't let even one of their friends die easily...'

"This is the only way to get them leave the station since it's regular area. Thankfully, they seem close with their companions. So they'll have to come to us to stop their companions from being executed. What do you think about my plan, princess....?"

The reason why Cheonhee told them their plan must be because she wanted to observe their actions and determine whether they're allies or not, whether they could really be trusted or not. He inwardly sighed.

'This is why I hated 10 Great Families. Too much politics and scheming. The days that I spent taking care of Noah and Celeste... are far more interesting than this.'

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