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- Secret of the Hidden Floor -

It didn't take long for Charlotte to find Altaira.

By strengthening herself with Shinsu and used [Acceleration], she could jump around and look for her brother faster than before. It turned out, Altaira wasn't really hiding himself. He was just sitting on a restaurant with the bird who was still wrapped around the vines that she had. While waiting to be called back, he was eating as much as he could and he didn't seem to be happy when Charlotte called him and told him to go back to the others. 

When the two of them went back, Bam and Khun who had heard everything from Data Hansung Yu about the secrets in the Hidden Floor.

The Data Hansung Yu had been traveling in this Hidden Floor for some time and he discovered some new secrets, one of them was the existence of the hidden quest.

At the time, he wondered why solving the missions was considered as doing good deeds and opposing the people here was considered as bad deeds. Therefore, he tried doing "bad deeds" as many as he can until his monitor of good and evil was filled with black part. When he made sure that his monitor was completely filled with black part, he discovered something surprising; the hidden quest!

By clearing a hidden quest, they could still go to another stage. Hearing that it won't get killed, the mother bird sighed in relieve.

Data Hansung Yu also mentioned that the grand quest and the quests that Big Breeders gave to them could be say as fake and that the minstrels who had always guided them around this city was actually deceiving them, calling the truth as evil. By clearing the hidden quests, he realized that the Big Breeder had a main body which was on a different data world. And in order to prevent regulars like them for knowing that, these fake grand quest and any other quests were made to confuse them.

Data Hansung Yu told them a joyous news that there was one of the 10 Great Families head was also in this Hidden Floor and that they should meet them. But when Altaira heard about that, he frowned as if he didn't take it as a good news.

Bam's monitor of good and evil was obviously bad. He broke through the fruit good and evil and even fought with Big Breeder. When Charlotte had returned, he started the mission immediately.

And the mission this time was to beat some giant rats!

"Brother, let me do it!"

Charlotte enthusiastically said.

"Charlotte, wait-!"

Without hesitation, she grew more green vines from the ground. She caught around five rats, while the others were running away and dodged her vines.

After that, another 5 green vines grew, stabbing the mice and killed them off rather easily.

Bam, "........"

Bam was amazed of course. Right now, he could feel the gap between their power. It should have been a nice thing, he thought as being stronger was one of Charlotte's desires. But somehow, watching her getting stronger and protecting him instead felt wrong. It was also his desire to protect her.

"The Hidden Floor has lots of missions, I think they are perfect for her to train her new power" said Altaira with a rather proud smile. Of course, he could tell what Bam was thinking and smiled mischievously. He put his hand on his shoulder and asked, "What? Feeling like you've lost your older brother position?"

This time, his face had turned dark.

Fortunately Altaira was quite fast as he dodged Bam's Shinsu attack. He jumped at the air to dodge it and jumped far from him to increase their distance just in case Bam was attacking again.

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