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- Behund the Name, Hidden Prophecy-

Arlene Grace....Bam was familiar with that name.

Hand of Arlene, the place where he was taken back to FUG, where he was betrayed by Xia Xia who was there to bring him back and was separated from Charlotte before the Workshop Battle. Jue Viole Grace, his slayer candidate's name that was given by FUG as his new identity.

"Tell me!! When you said that she brought me to this world......do you mean...She is my mother...?!" Bam asked, shocked.

"Well.....how should I explain this.....? Could you really call her mother....? I'm not sure about that."


"She's been here longer than I am. So I'm not sure about the exact details. What I'm sure of is that she played a crucial role in bringing you to this place. And she was one of the irregulars who entered the tower along with the leaders of the Ten Great Families."

"B- but...right now....there are only Ten Family Leaders....!"

"That's right. But there used to be thirteen of them, although there are only eleven now.

Why would Zahard split the Thirteen Month Series into thirteen pieces? Some legends said that it was because there were thirteen months in one year in his hometown. But then there must be a separate reason for splitting the key into the Thirteen Months to begin with and it's natural to name it Thirteen Month Series, right?

The Thirteen Months were split up so that Zahard and his companions could share the key. One of them is Arlene Grace. There were originally supposed to be twelve leaders, not ten."

Garam expressed that she also did not believe that there were some hidden irregulars. It wasn't hard to believe that Anne was saying that nonsense since she had lost her sanity. But turned out, Anne wasn't speaking nonsense. She was telling her the truth and she had the evidence for that.

Anne Zahard hid the truths in her pocket.

And to her shock at the time, the pocket that she found after going through countless of troubles was the same pocket that Arlene Grace used....and it contained the diary owned by Arlene Grace. This proved to Garam that Arlene was a real person.

"Arlene Grace. The diary said that she entered the tower with the Ten Leaders on an extraordinary journey, and that she could use mysterious spells. From the very start, Zahard had a crush on her, but her heart actually lay somewhere else.

The man whom she loved was yet another hidden companion. Arlene called his name with an affectionate name V."

Jue Viole Grace. Grace was his mother's surname, V was supposed to be his father's name. So FUG didn't give him that name and identity for no reason. Moreover, V was someone who the current head of FUG, Luslec, served.

"As the two of them climbed the tower, they confirmed their love for one another and began a relationship. And at the end of their great journey, Zahard announced that he will stop climbing the tower and become king.

V and Arlene who wanted to keep climbing the tower criticized Zahard. Arlene expressed Zahard in her records as being blinded by falsehoods.

But Zahard didn't stop. He made a deal with the administrator to become the king of this tower and after that, she found Arlene and proposed to her.

But Arlene was already engaged to V.

Arlene refused Zahard's marriage proposal and ran away with V. Then the two of them formed an organization which opposed Zahard and started a war in order to steal the key which Zahard had. Zahard was also enraged and fought them.

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