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- Sincerity -

After yesterday where her brothers spent their dates with their own girlfriends, each of them had their own reactions.

Bam behaved like nothing happened, Endorsi was embarrassed to see Bam, Altaira and Celeste became even closer with each other romantically that Estelle, Estrella and Raisin went to look for Charlotte to ask advise how to run away from her brother. After all, the younger sister knew her older brother the best right?

Unfortunately, Charlotte didn't know about that either since she had never experienced the feeling of being the third wheel and because she wasn't taught by anyone on how to escape from the life of being the third wheel. She was unable to give them answer and she could only pat their backs, wishing for their luck when her luck wasn't good.

Thanks to yesterday, Charlotte felt that her friendship with Khun has gotten closer as friends. It was a nice thing. But she still can't forgive her brother for doing that kind of deed without her agreement. The first time when she heard Khun told her about it, she felt that she was being sold to Khun by her brother.

So this morning, when Charlotte found Altaira, she chased him. Altaira was surprised and ran to his room. At his own bed, Charlotte was on the top of him trying to strangle him while Celeste was trying to separate them both.

"Do you know that your actions yesterday hurt my little delicate heart?" Charlotte asked with a dark smile. "Where is your heart, brother?"

Altaira who was being strangled didn't hesitate to ask, "You actually have a heart? How surprising!"


This irritated her even more. While Celeste looked like she was going to cry already in frustration, Charlotte looked happier in strangling her brother.

Noah wholeheartedly supported her, so as Bam and Rak. Perhaps Rak hasn't forgotten the times where he was being laughed and tricked by Altaira and since he hadn't get his revenge yet, he still had some grudges with him. Khun, being the decent one at the scene tried to separate them and fortunately it worked.

Actually, Khun helped him not because that he was afraid that his brother would die. He won't mind if he dies, he said. But the problem was that if he dies, then they won't be able to get answers for their questions.

This morning the trio protagonists went to look for him was because they had something to ask to him and he was the only one who they believed to be able to give them the answers that they wanted to hear. They looked for him just to find Charlotte trying to strangle him alive. After they separated them, they told both Charlotte and Celeste to get out.

"What? Why do you have to kick me out brother?" Charlotte asked Bam with the sad expression. "What do you guys want to talk about? Can't I be here to listen?"

Altaira snorted, "What a way to change your attitude, sister."

Towards him, she wanted to strangle him alive. But when it comes towards Bam, she behaved like a childish and adorable little girl.

"I haven't finished dealing with you yet" she said with hostility and glared at him. Altaira just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Bam patted her head, "Unfortunately, you really can't be here, Charlotte. Why don't you leave first with Ms. Celeste? I will look for you later."


As Charlotte left with Celeste, she had an ominous feeling inside her. For some reasons, she felt uneasy leaving the four of them alone. But it wasn't like there will be some enemies coming in all sudden right?

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