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- Happy Valentine!  -

The boss- level guardian took the shape and the form of a big, ugly and noisy bird. In its mouth, there were around 10 sharp teeth. 3 at above and below, 2 at the left and right of its big mouth. Its claws were extremely sharp like a scythe and seeing how sharp they were, Charlotte was certain that if an ordinary D- rank regular had a fight with this bird, those claws would have taken his life within one attack.

But this day was an unlucky day for the bird, for it encountered an irregular who was trying out her new power. Charlotte wasn't sure whether the bird could stand her new power, but still she gave it a shot.

On her right palm, a lotus bloomed. The pink- colored lotus that bloomed on her hand only had 8 petals.

"What are you planning to do with that lotus?" Noah curiously asked.

Charlotte's lips curled into a smile.

"Just watch it."

She closed her right palm and the lotus disappeared. The next thing that she did was kneeling and putting her hand on the floor. Less than a second, the ground seemed to be shaking. 

Knowing that the ground was shaking, the bird couldn't help but to look at the ground as it had a bad feeling. Suddenly, 8 petaled lotus came out from the floor. Those petals weren't actually as big as its size, but they weren't small either. The bird flapped its wings and flew in the air to dodge the lotus.

Her new skill did surprised the others as well. Noah who quickly regained his calmness glanced at Charlotte and said, "Your new skill is indeed surprising, but the bird is smarter than you thought."

Charlotte's smile just grew wider as if she had seen it coming.

Of course, it wasn't the end of her new skill. After the lotus bloomed, green vines came out from the lotus and tried to catch the bird. The bird tried to dodge each of them but with its size, getting caught was inevitable.

With its strength, the bird could have destroyed those vines if the user wasn't strong enough. But the one who he was facing was Charlotte. If breaking one chain meant her power was as strong as D- rank regular, now that she had broken 3 chains successfully, her strength was in the same level with a B- rank regular. Even if the bird was stronger than her, her vines were really tough and not easy to break. At the end, the bird was pulled back in the lotus and the lotus closed itself. The 8 petaled lotus were even harder to be destroyed. No matter how much it struggled and tried to tear the petals off with its sharp claws, he didn't even manage to scratch even a single petal.

This power....Khun was certain that even an A- rank regular couldn't easily break free after being caught. With her current power, she might just be one of the strongest regulars, her strength might even exceeded Bam. Within a night, she had became the strongest among all of them.

Soon enough, a larger green vine grew from the floor and quickly and without hesitation, it pierced through the lotus petals and stabbed him. The green vine stabbed the bird's chest and made its way out of the bird's body. The edge of the vine and the part of the vine that grew from his body were colored crimson red and its blood was flowing down. The hole of one of the petals were also colored with red of blood.


On her own, she defeated the boss who was supposed to be a tough enemy. She defeated it on her own and in short time. And she hasn't used her full power yet.

Charlotte stood up and looked at the others with a smile, "What do you think? It isn't bad right?"

She looked at the dead bird and pulled back the vine and the lotus. The bird who had lost its life fell on the ground, creating a loud 'bang' before it slowly disappeared and vanished.

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now