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- Submerged Fish Hunt -

Khun wondered why is this girl, this little puppy, is being different toward him and Hoh when the two of them kept snatching Bam's attention from her.

He was curious about that.

But when he heard about the answer, he remained silent.

"Because....you are prettier than him?"

She wasn't even sure with her answer. She just hoped to find an opening to escape from this interrogation.

Her answer was simple yet sounded childish. It sounded like something a child would answer.

He chuckled when he heard that.

"So you don't mind me spending my time with your brother since I am more attractive than Hoh?" Khun asked.

Fortunately Altaira wasn't there to listen everything otherwise, he would probably laugh until his stomach hurts. Charlotte herself thought that maybe it would be better if she starts to look for a shovel to dig her own grave and jumped inside it. Her answer was getting weirder and weirder.

But she wasn't wrong though. Khun was more attractive looking than Hoh.

"Then what about Hatz? Is he also attractive in your eyes?" Khun asked.

Charlotte pondered about it for awhile before she innocently nodded her head, "Yeah. He isn't that bad."

"What about Altaira?"

"Of course he is also one" Charlotte immediately answered without hesitation.

Khun thought it Bam heard all her words, then he would definitely roll up his sleeves and figure out a way how to deal with this Altaira. The two of them never liked each other from the beginning because of this girl.

"Are you here just to ask me this kind of question?" She asked.

"If you want me to ask about something else, then let me ask you, why do you give the Black March to Anaak?" Khun asked. "Have you ever considered that there is the chance that she would betray you?"

Charlotte looked at him for awhile before she lowered her head. Being carried away by their conversation, Charlotte had just realized that she has been talking to this man while walking to somewhere else. She should go and look for Altaira and Celeste.

"Of course I know that she might betray me but....."

"But what?"

"Since I have given the Black March, I believe in her" Charlotte said to Khun. "Trust is something simple and plain, but it's quite dangerous since if you trusted the wrong person, then there will be the chance that you will be betrayed. I have given her the Black March since I believe in her and since I have believe in her, then why not believe in her until the end? Simple right?"

Khun didn't say a word for awhile. But he silently felt that Charlotte was taking everything lightly. But still, since she had given the Black March to Anaak, there would be nothing good if they tried to take it again.

"You take things too lightly" he said. "Don't regret your decision."

"I won't" Charlotte said. "Because my biggest fear is to die with regrets."

"Speaking as if you going to die soon."

Well, she had died once. And she felt that her death came too fast right when she had just started the new page of her life, after she moved on from the past and was about to start a new beginning.

When Charlotte saw a white butterfly, she knew that Celeste was looking for her. She must have left too long.

"I guess Celeste is looking for me now" Charlotte said. "Then I should be going."

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