Regrets & Birthdays

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From the beginning until the end, what Charlene wanted was a simple but perfect family life.

She knew that what she wanted was now the part of her past as she stared at the old picture. The old family photo of her being a mother along with her husband and their children.

She knew that they were an unhappy family. Anyone could tell that just by looking at their family photo.

She knew how her own children thought of her. They thought of her as a cold- hearted mother who cared for money and reputation, just like their father.

Charlene sat on the bed, too distracted in the past, memories and thoughts. Just a family photo could remind her of so many things, things that she regretted and things that made her felt that she was living her life vainly.

Death or not, perhaps no one would care about her.

Born in a wealthy family, she wished that life could remain the same. She once had a happy childhood and she enjoyed the center and love around her. But as she grew up, knowing that her parents were using her to ensure that their family won't fall and forced her to agree on a marriage that she never wanted, she tried her best to make sure that everything would go on her desire.

From the past until the present, what Charlene wanted was a good family life.

'When I first agreed to this kind of marriage, I thought that I could at least adapt myself. Maybe we could start it slow. Though we hate each other a lot, at least, for the sake of the children we'll be having, he won't cross the line.'

She frowned as she closed the face of her husband. If there was someone who she hated the most, then it would be her husband. And aside from her husband, she hated both of her parents who didn't respect her wish and opinion on her own marriage life.

'Why did I agree on the first place? Why did I have to behave as a good girl? If I was just as stubborn and naughty as the children--'

She couldn't continue her thoughts. Her rage was replaced with regrets. If there were the people who she felt sorry the most, then they would be her own children.

'Just like a flower trapped in a mud, I was trapped in confusion. I was so foolish.'

She looked at the photo of her children. Now that she thought of it, they were quite adorable. The boy, Altaira, was quite handsome. And the younger one, was quite adorable.

'I know that I was cheated. I know that he had an illegitimate child outside. I know that despite all the bad things he had done to me, my parents would still convince me to stay in this cursed house. But...... no matter how much I hated them, I shouldn't have blamed them on the two of them... just because they resemble him slightly.'

She owed the two of them the most. And right now, what made her smile sadly was the fact that she realized that she was wrong when the two of them died.

'What people said are right. You won't regret things until you are too late.'

In the cursed mansion, she was all alone. She let out a soft sigh and looked at the ceiling.

'All he cares is about money. And in order to ensure that he'll gain more and more, he makes himself busier and busier. But when he dies, what could the money he earned do for him? At the end, he still passed away because of illness while my parents died out of old age.'

'Thinking about it, I always hated them ever since this marriage. But now looking back at the past, the hate seems to be unnecessary. Sooner or later, humans will die either way.'

She put the old photo on her lap and closed it. Right now, she felt very calm, like nothing could make her panic or in rage. It was as if that the years trapped in rage and hatred had completely exhausted her, and her heart has died out from the emotions that she felt for these years. Or perhaps she had grown- up and understood something, her heart had found peace.

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now