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- Desire to Get Strong -

"It's okay. It's definitely....fine."

Hearing that there was someone else who had the same ring with him, Karaka lost his composure immediately and asked him where and who that person was.

Right at that moment, without wasting a second, Ehwa immediately swung the ignition sword and cut the bridge down while Endorsi, she used Bong Bong and saved Bam. She brought him back to the train while Bam, he wanted to reach for Ehwa and the others who chose to sacrifice their lives.

Yuri grasped this moment and then used her shinsu to attack Karaka. At the end, they still have to bid farewell to their friends.

[Ha Yuri's Zahard Shinsu Control Skill Murderous Energy- Rose Shower]

A huge and red rose bloomed before them. The red petals of roses covered Karaka who failed to dodge it and also their friends who sacrificed their lives for them.

Charlotte had seen this coming. She had seen this coming from the beginning. She thought that since she had seen it from the beginning and refused to change it, she had no right to cry for their friends' sacrifices. She knew that they were alive, that they won't die, but why was that her heart still beating fast in worry and sadness?

The door of the train was closed.

Bam sat on the ground, leaning against the door in depression. He clenched his fists and tears streamed down from his eyes.

"Bam, what happened?" Khun asked.

"Why you are the only one who comes back? What about the others?" Boro asked as well.

The regulars who made it and survived had entered the train first so they weren't aware with what happened outside.

Charlotte knelt down on the ground and wiped her brother's tears. She didn't need to see what happened at outside to know what happened.

"Brother..." she called rather softly. Her voice was usually cheerful, lively and energetic. But this time, it sounded rather soft and gentle. "Didn't you say that I am a clairvoyant? As a clairvoyant, I could promise you that they are still alive."

"....." The others didn't understand what she was saying.

Bam didn't say a word either.

"Sorry Charlotte...." he responded to his words a moment later. "But I need some time alone."

Before, he always had some time for her. He never pushed her away. But this time, he needed some time alone and Charlotte understood that. She didn't mind it at all.

'I, too, need some time alone.'

Charlotte thought that aside from eating, the best way for her to get rid of her stress and frustrated was to visit the dreamland. Maybe after spending time in the dreamland, she would feel better.

But the problem was she was wide awake.

She was too awake to go to the dreamland which was strange, since she felt quite tired right now.

She felt tired but she wasn't sleepy.

Sometimes she couldn't understand herself what she wanted. There were things that she can't discover on her own, things that she couldn't solve on her own and at this moment, she will always run to one person who always helped her.

Altaira and Celeste had always seen Charlotte as a child. Even though from outside her appearance looked like a young woman, inside, she was as playful and naive like a child. Even though the others scolded her for being childish and playful for her age where she could be considered as an adult already, she didn't care about it since this was how she was.

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