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- The Arrival of Sworn Enemies -

After two days, Charlotte and Bam actually showed their improvements. This somehow annoyed both Khun and Rak.

"Khun! Look! I could make an orb....though it's a bit small than how it's supposed to" said Charlotte whose eyes were on the orb. The orb was floating on her hands and she shared it to Khun so that he could see it.

Khun still had his vein popping because of annoyance, "I could see that. But who said that we're going to take it slow, hm?"

"No worries, we still have 28 days" said Charlotte. "Since you are talented, it won't be hard for you to master it."

It wasn't like she didn't know how untalented he was in shinsu. It made him even more annoyed to know that she was just speaking as she pleases without considering his feelings.

"Speaking is indeed easier than doing it."

"Good that you know."

That annoyed him even more.

From the ground, Altaira watched his sister talking with Khun with a smile on his face.

"What are you smiling, weirdo?" Noah asked.

"I'm smiling since my sister has a good time up there" Altaira answered. "Anyway, didn't you say you want to get stronger to beat me? Why don't you go up and follow them?"

Noah looked serious this time.

"...it's no use anyway" he said. "It's not like I don't know my own power and limit."

"The chrysanthemum thingy?"

"Don't call it chrysanthemum thingy! Can't you spell flowers?" Noah annoyingly asked.

"What's wrong with your chrysanthemum thingy anyway?" Altaira asked curiously. No, he wasn't curious. He was just pretending to be all curious and innocent to anger him to death. 

Noah glared at this blue- haired bastard before he gained his composure and glanced away awkwardly.

"What? Embarrassed to say?"

"It's just that due to an incident, my power has decreased a lot" said Noah as he opened his right palm and had the purple chrysanthemum blooming on his palm. "Now, even if I followed their training, it's hard for me to return like in the past."

'That's the consequence of the forbidden technique that I used to find a help' Noah thought. 'Or...the consequence...that I took to accompany her.'

If Noah didn't use that technique, his power would have been on the same level with Charlotte's current power right now. But because of that technique, he became weaker and it was even harder for him to train and get stronger again.

But he didn't feel slightest regret of what he was doing. His purple eyes looked at his purple chrysanthemum.

'Why on earth does he look like a man who is suffering from heart break?' Altaira silently wondered. 'Well, it's not like I understand what you mean anyway. Do whatever you want."

He closed his palm and looked at Altaira, "What about you? Don't you want to train?"

"I know the shinsu that suits me" said Altaira. "And I'm confident I'm strong enough among D- rank regulars."

"This is your chance to gain even little power to beat Bam" said Noah mockingly. "Even though we all know it won't ever happen."

"Bastard-" Altaira cursed with vein popping on his cheek. "Then why don't you go up there to get a bit power to fight me?"

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