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- The Interesting Drinking Companion -

To think that Edahn proposed a bet where he'll train the two black-haired kids in a month and make them strong enough to defeat him... Zahard found it ridiculous.

The gap of their strengths were too big. What kind of training could Edahn possibly give to increase their powers and decrease the gap between the two of them? Although he was not the real king, he was still his data. He was not someone who one could underestimate just because he was not strong as who he was at the outside.

He accepted this bet with another condition. If he wins this bet, then Edahn shouldn't only disappear like any other data. He should also tell him who the children were and Edahn promised him about it.

"Well...it's not like I don't want to fight the two of them in the same time...." Zahard said as he looked at Charlotte. "But that girl, she already had her own opponent."


"You don't know? That black-haired girl made a bet with your drinking friend" Zahard explained to Edahn who looked surprised. "He met me and asked me for a favor which was to prepare a death match between her and his puppet. Don't you feel strange why the data of your drinking friend suddenly disappeared?"

Edahn, to say that now he looked surprised, now he looked very shocked.

"The match between her and his puppet will also be in one month" said Zahard. "You only have one month to train the two of them and you aren't allowed to go anywhere else unless you want to be disqualified. Simple, right?"

Edahn didn't say a word for a moment. But at the end, he still agreed.

Through the mirror, they were like teleported to another stage.

Khun used his lighthouse to made a large barrier which was safe for them to step on as the mirror didn't straightly teleport them to the ground, but on the air.

Bam who was carrying the unconscious Endorsi had a complicated feeling just like Charlotte. It wasn't like the two of them didn't know what was waiting them after this one month. What was waiting them after this one month that will be filled with harsh training was death match. One was against the data of the young king of this tower and the other one was the puppet of an irregular. Neither of them were easy opponents who'll let them obtain victory easily.

Noah's expression wasn't any better to hear about his father, so as Celeste.

Charlotte thought that Bam was not in a good mood. Noah was not in a good mood. Celeste was also the same and her usually- cheerful brother was not in good mood. Even around Khun Edahn, she felt like he wasn't quite happy as well.

She didn't like this kind of atmosphere. But it wasn't something that she could control.

Now, Edahn looked at the boy who Hansung Yu promised to him, "Now, let's start your training, son of V."

"Son of V...?" Bam echoed before he then smiled, "You remember about my father?!"

A hint about his father!

"Of course. V was a fellow companion who climbed the tower with us" Edahn said.

Then, a golden ball appeared out of nowhere, talking to Edahn politely and carefully.

"Do you like the training ground, sir?" It asked.

"...well, just so-so. I smell grapes over there."

"This stage was created with the highest consideration for your tastes. It has grapevines and a waterfall flowing with grape juice."

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