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- Red Echo Eyes, The Unfairness and Injustice -

Hansung Yu decided to split them into teams. One team was to look for Khun Edahn and the other team was to look for their companions.

Team A was for looking companions and face Big Breeder:

- Hansung Yu

- Khun Aguero Agnes

- 25th Bam

- 25th Charlotte

- Endorsi

Team B was to look for Khun Edahn:

- Rak Wraithraiser

- Khun Altaira Rain

- Batis and Medley (his daughter)

- Boro

- Sachi

- Hockney.

Both Rak and Altaira insisted to be in the team A. Instead of arguing with them, Hansung Yu simply agreed to their wish and let them join the team A. Rak who was happy to join the team A was dabbing.

Team A will be going to Cold Island while Team B will go to Sweet Castle.

'If either Celeste or Noah is here, they'll probably go to Sweet Castle to devour the sweets there' Altaira thought. 'I hope they don't end up in the Sweet Castle as I don't want them to suffer toothache.'

If Celeste suffers toothache, then Altaira will stay next to her and accompanied her for three days three nights until she recovers. If it is Noah who suffers it, then he will just randomly take care of him. The thought of him genuinely taking care of Noah somehow made him feel shiver running down on his back. He must be dying if he genuinely wanting to take care of Noah.

The Sweet Castle, according to Hansung Yu, was a place that they will not be able to go even if they beat Big Breeder's grand quest. It was a place made for Khun Edahn. In another word, Celeste and Noah wouldn't be there. Hearing this, Altaira was secretly relieved.

Apparently, Hansung Yu had made a promise with Khun Edahn about something. He mentioned that this promise was rather a sad promise.

After saying good- bye, they went to different stages.

The team A went to the Cold Island.

The Cold Island was just like its name, a cold place without any plants growing in that place. The temperature of the air was quite low and there was a tall tower in this stage. That white tower was quite far from their current place.

As what mentioned before, the temperature of the air was quite low. Charlotte couldn't help but to sneeze softly again and again as she couldn't stand the temperature. 

Bam was worried of Charlotte. In order to make her felt warm, he was planning to take off his coat and give it to her. Her coat was wet because Khun pulled her to the sea in the first place. Seeing how Bam was handing his coat to her, Charlotte smiled and shook her head. She didn't want her brother to suffer from coldness to help her.

"Charlie, I thought that your lotus is a sacred lotus" said Altaira calmly. "A sacred lotus is a sacred flower, fire and ice are supposed to have no effect to you."

"Probably b- because my power.......my...power isn't s- strong enough... to unleash its full potential" Charlotte answered before she sneezed again. "Who... would have guessed... this place is really...c- c- cold...?"

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