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- Request of a Match -

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Khun My Love:
I'll kill you when I see you.

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When Shibisu received that message, he sweated dropped.

'No wonder he's mad.'

When Nox was being approached by one of the no- named regulars and watched how he knelt before her and held on her clothes, crying and cursing Kaiser with desperation and hatred, he was flustered. 

This was the first time he encountered a desperate person who needed his help the most. Back then when he climbed the tower, people only begged him to spare them. He didn't think that someone will kneel before him and ask for his help to avenge him.

And what's more, he couldn't speak. But even if he could speak, he didn't know what to say.

He gulped and tried his luck.

"W- what about you stand up first?" He asked and held the regular's arm, trying to help him to stand up. Never in his whole life he was sweating nervously just because someone was asking for his help. "I feel....uncomfortable if you kneel like this and begged me."

'Would someone please come and save me here? Just lend me a hand, please?'

"Kaiser made me kill my friends.....he...he even made me lost my eye" said the regular with tears running from one of his eyes. "You have to avenge me."


'Losing friends....?'

Khun knew precisely that Charlotte wasn't the cold person who could ignore the tears of others. Unlike him, she couldn't turn blind eye on him. This was one of her similarities with Bam. They weren't cold enough.

His expression darkened.

It took him seven years to find his friends and turn them back but now they had to be the slayer candidates again and being used by the others to achieve their goal. Their goal may be different from FUG who wanted the twins to be their Gods, but they were still using them.

He didn't hesitate to punch the regular away and ignored Nox who gasped.

"We may have come here to get Kaiser, but that's for our sake, certainly not yours" he said coldly.


"Telling us a pathetic story won't do a thing, got it?" He asked again. "You know- both Viole and Nox are not Gods who are going to make your wishes come true. So if you hate Kaiser that much, go deal with her by yourself. Don't be a nuisance and bother us."


Nox fanned his fan to Khun.

"What are you doing?"

"I think you need to cool down for awhile. You really look like you are going to kill someone."


Well, he might just kill one of their friends after this.

"Hm- have you removed all of the no- named to their residence?" A stranger asked them. "Too bad. I wanted them all to see Kaiser having his name stolen before their eyes."

They were surprised to see who came.

The person who approached them was wearing a silver mask with green clothing with sort of brown cloak.

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now