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- Go to Hell -

On the screen, the words "go to hell" were written there with a blue circle or perhaps a submarine above it and in the middle of the screen.

For the third round, they will be using the hostages to play the third round. In this third round, their Dallars will play a great role in saving or abandoning their hostages.

Once the game starts, the hostages will one by one entered the submarine and then travel through a spiral pipe to the bottom. But on the bottom, there was boiling acid. If the hostages happen to make a contact with the boiling acid, then they will melt and vanish within a second and will leave no corpse or bones. 

"What?! That bastard, how can he be so flippant with people's lives!!" Prince who was locked with the others in the prison hung on above shouted. If Miseng didn't hold him back, then he will seriously try all means to break the prison. He has been wanting to do that long ago.

There was one way to save the hostages. White and Nox will be standing on the upper part of the shinsu tent and once the submarine descends, the two of them could jump and descend to the central pipe.

The central pipe was on the middle, surrounded by the spiral pipe.

The two of them could fight with any kind of methods until the hostages were saved or melted. But in order to descend, they needed Dallars and the amount of the Dallars that they will have to spend will depend on the height of the submarine and the closer the hostages with the boiling acid, the amount of the Dallars that they will have to use will decrease.

There was also another variable on the game. They had prepared something called the "submarines of choices". The submarines that they were using were similar with the submarine the hostages were using.

Each team will send a regular to board the machine. The regulars who were chosen had two things that they could make choice of. First, they could make the decision regarding saving the hostages or not. In another word, they hold the final decision. Second, they could also use Dallars to increase the height of the boiling acid.

10 Dallars to save the hostages, 5 Dallars to increase the height of the boiling acid for every single space.

If you successfully saved your team's hostages, then they will get 10 Dallars. But if they fail, then they won't only be losing their Dallars but risking their lives as well.

They had three chances. Whoever saved the hostages the most and still had their Dallars with them will be the winner. Those who lose their Dallars will, without a doubt, disqualified.

Khun found it ridiculous. But Charlotte was glad that the rules were the same with what she knew.

"Hey" she called his name in a whispering voice. "You're going to go to the submarine of choice right?"

"....maybe" Khun answered.

Charlotte gestured him to lean closer and then opened her fan to talk with him secretly.

"I'm going to save all the hostages, including White's" she whispered to him.

Khun was refraining himself from shouting as he whispered back, "Why would you do that?"

"To get a present for my brother" Charlotte answered earnestly. "And to get an ally."


"If we could get the power from White's last clone, wouldn't it be a slap for White?" Charlotte asked with a playful smile. "And I think I have a way for it."

Khun pondered about it.

"If we could get her as an ally, then it will be a good thing" he said. "But don't force yourself. Your life is more important, do you understand it?"

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