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Charlotte was too excited to see Bam that she forgot that there was an enemy who wanted all of them to die so bad.

The name of the person who stabbed her with his hand was Beta, one of the children who were taken as experiments in this Workshop and he has been keeping hatred and holding grudge toward Jue Viole Grace who he believed was the reason of all of this.

Charlotte fell on the ground while Beta's hand was stained with blood.

When she looked at his eyes, Charlotte could see the happiness that was mixed with craziness and anger in his yellow eyes. Surely, seeing her ended up in this state and watched how she bleed must have satisfied him as Beta was sure that she must be the close friend of Jue Viole Grace.

Her golden eyes looked at him and frowned. Compared the pain that she felt, she felt more irritated seeing that Beta.

"Who are you? You can't just intrude to the tournament!" Khun said through his lighthouse.

"It's not intrusion but a fair battle" Beta said to Khun.

"What?" Khun was surprised. He had never seen him before.

"Just wait....I will kill you too....."

Khun also felt that there was something off with this man. He had never seen him before in the list of participants and he suddenly shown himself and stabbed Charlotte out of blue.


"I already told you, the complete one" Beta said to him. "I want to make you suffer. I don't know how you escaped that trap, but now you're here, you can sit there and watch your friends die one by one."

Charlotte couldn't help but to chuckle when she heard that and her chuckle gained Beta's attention. He was a bit surprised that she was still conscious and that she was actually trembling while lying on the ground. 

"You want to make my brother suffer?" Charlotte looked at him. "Dream on. A foolish child who easily believe on whatever that Emily told you....heh, how pathetic."

Beta frowned when he heard that, "What did you say?"

Charlotte stood up again as if she wasn't hurt. Well, to their surprise, Beta didn't actually hurt her that bad. Thanks to Noah's shout before, she reacted right on the moment and he didn't manage to hurt her vitals. She grabbed her fan and stood up, looked at Beta with her determined and bright golden eyes.

Did he really think that a small wound would be able to kill her? She had experienced a lot in FUG. What he gave her was nothing compared the pain for seven years of loneliness and darkness in FUG.

"Long time ago, you are trapped inside this Workshop" Charlotte said and looked at Beta straight with her golden eyes. "You met several friends who you believed as your enemies until one day where you kill each other for the sake of freedom that you have been dreaming for. But after you kill all your friends one by one......you found out that it was all a lie. Not only that you lost your freedom, you also lost your friends. Am I right, Beta?"

She emphasized the word 'one by one' and his name with confidence and calmness while fanning herself.

Beta was stunned. He frowned and glared at her, "You....how do you know.......?"

"I am not obligated to tell you right?" Charlotte asked. "And after the moment you lost everything, you wanted to look for the real culprit and everything. You thought that Emily would be able to give you answer but you don't know that Emily is not a God. You don't know that you have been used by that thing. If you aren't a foolish child, then how should I call you?"

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now