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- Enna Core -

The one who was speaking to them wasn't the creature, but the parasite that lived inside the creature.

The parasite had the appearance of a man with messy black hair and glasses, Mata, the name of Hockney's old friend. He was one of the parasites that survived in the Floor of Death by controlling the larger bugs, just like the creature that Charlotte was riding right now.

"This host has no choice but to obey me as long as it's connected, to that blue orb" Mata said, referring to an item like a lamp with blue light. "What do you think? Isn't this great? I called it Manyleg! Is not it really cute?"

He seemed to be excited to talk about his Manyleg. Charlotte understood where the name came from, it was because the creatures had many legs to help it walk. Right now, Charlotte was carrying Bam and put him down inside the creature. She rested his head on her lap while waiting for Mata and Hockney finished talking.

Mata dragged Hockney away to talk to him privately, to prevent Charlotte from eavesdropping him. Mata was quite happy for Hockney, thinking that he had made some friends and even be friended with a beautiful girl. But Hockney denied that and said that they were just merely acquaintances who shared the same purpose which was to come to the Floor of Death. Aside from that, they had no relationships.

"How could a monster like me ever make friends with anyone?" He asked to Mata.


"Those guys' real friends must be looking for them right now. I'm leaving so if you find them, lead those guys to them."

".....where are you going?" Mata asked.

"I'm going to South City" Hockney answered.


Charlotte was a bit surprised when she heard a loud voice from Mata. She turned her head around and looked at the two of them while the two men didn't seem to notice that she was looking at them.

"You're going to the South City?! Why?! Hell Joe will try to kill you if he finds out you are back!" Mata shouted.

".....that's true" Hockney agreed. "But still, I have to go. There's a piece of my lost picture there."

He then showed the Emily he had and told Mata. According to Emily, if he comes to the South City of the Floor of Death in two days, he could find his painting. After all, his painting was very precious as if it was his soul.

Manyleg suddenly stopped abruptly. Charlotte held on Bam closely so that he won't roll or fall away. She asked them, "What happened?"

"It's here!" said Mata. "The gatekeeper!"

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

At the same time as Charlotte and the others encountered the gatekeeper, Khun's team also met with one of them. Yuri decided to challenge the regulars where if the regulars failed to defeat the gatekeeper, she'll take them back to the train. By force, if she has to.

Endorsi was the first to attack.

"What are you waiting for? Let's get this over quickly" said Endorsi as she used the Bong Bong. "We have to go in to find the twins and Hwaryun. There's no time--"

Endorsi then flew and landed a strong kick on the gatekeeper's face.

"To waste!!"

Her sudden actions surprised the others who were still down below.

[Endorsi Zahard's Special Skill: Chiffon Sword]

She gathered Shinsu on her hands before releasing it and hit the gatekeeper, knocking it out at once. Evan who saw that skill was surprised as he knew that the [Chiffon Sword] belonged Endorsi was similar with Yuri's skill.

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