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- Beliefs -

Charlotte who had saved Prince returned back to the shinsu tent.

"Impressive" White said, though in inside he started to be worry of Charlotte.

On their fight one month ago, he had measured her strength. Her strength shouldn't be this strong and she shouldn't be this fast. Based on her current condition, Viole who he remembered was stronger than her seemed to be weaker now.

"I thought you were going to abandon your friend. You're a merciful person indeed....even though you have to swallow your words back."

"White, don't you think that you are wrong here?" Charlotte asked him. "I said that--

'if I am not meticulous enough, then I might lose my life and put all my comrades' lives in danger. Wouldn't it be better to sacrifice one to save others?'

Do you really think that I will challenge you without any preparation? Oh, I cared for my friends too much to let you play with their lives, White. I don't need to swallow my words back, since what I said to you are honest words."

It took several moments for White to thought about her words before he chuckled.

"I see...so you are planning to sacrifice yourself" he said. "How very selfless you are."

"I learnt from the best" Charlotte replied.

She smiled at the sarcasm that White threw to her.

"Now, this time, we will lower the hostages from Hoaqin's Team!" Poro Poe declared.

Charlotte looked at who the poor guy will be.

And the poor guy turned out to be Buelsar Elliot who was unconscious. Charlotte remembered that he was defeated by her brother Bam and the thought that her brother had won a fight against Buelsar made Charlotte smile out of blue.

Buelsar Elliot, was just like Prince, forced to enter the submarine and was prepared to roll around the spiral pipe.

"We will now begin lowering the hostages from Hoaqin's Team!" Poro Poe said. "BEGIN!!"

The submarine began to roll around the spiral pipe.

"Nox.....do you know what monarch is?" White asked suddenly.

".......A ruler" Charlotte answered after wondering what this white haired man planning. "Someone who rules over his citizen and area. That's if you ask me."

"Before I get trapped in this place, when I used to be a slayer, I once become the kings of two lands in an area of the outer tower" White explained. "It started simply enough. In one of the lands, there was a corrupt king. A lazy, rotten ruler. Everyone hated him.

I slit his throat. Everyone in the land praised me for it and naturally, I became their king.

I looked after the poor and executed any greedy officials. Ahh-- I really was a good king. The surrounding lands bowed before my might and people everywhere sang of my greatness.

And a long time after that-- I made my most loyal follower king and disappeared. After that, people recorded my name in their myths and worshiped and prayed to me like God."

"They must be blind" Charlotte responded, didn't bother lowering her voice. "To worship and pray someone like you must be their biggest misfortune."

White just smiled.

"Maybe you're right. But at the time, who cares about it? I was the one who took care of them back then. Then a long time passed, I kept an eye on that land for a very long time. The land got more powerful and expansive. But at the same time, arrogant kings and rulers appeared.

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