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- Light -

Living so long with the memories that she wanted to forget the most were still vivid in her mind, she thought that she was already used to the pain. Whenever his name, his voice, his face appeared in her mind, oh how she wished to be able to freeze her own heart, so that it won't ache whenever they appear.

Under the bright and clear night sky, in the middle of the quiet forest, he smiled gently towards her. It was a smile mixed with bitterness and gentleness.

He held her cheeks and wiped the tear that fell from her right red eye. He looked regretful. He looked regretful that he couldn't spend more time with them. He was sad that he couldn't grow old with her and die together with her because of old age.

Her beautiful red eyes looked at him. The bitter smile only added the pain to her heart.

The father of the twins regretted what the deeds he had done. He was fully- aware what happened that night was his retribution. What made him sad was because of his sins that should be repaid sooner or later, his wife was going to be alone. He couldn't see his two adorable children growing up.

Few shadows walked towards them. One of them was holding a scythe. Every single step that he took, the closer he was to death. From those pleasing red eyes, he could see his own reflection.

How miserable.

The separation was unavoidable.

When he was close enough, that man who has his own miseries and sad memories raised his scythe. A drop of tear fell from his eyes as he knew that.


That soft voice called her name.

"Look at me."

She shook her head as she couldn't hold her tears.

"Look at me."

He repeated, holding her cheeks and made sure that she was looking straight to his eyes even though she wanted to shake her head.

"I'm sorry."

He apologized for leaving early.

"I love you."

The scythe was swung and his head fell from his body.

His head fell faster to the ground before she could say a word.

And now, at that quiet night, he left to a place that she could never be able to reach.

She had never cried that hard for her whole life. And in that quiet forest, her voice sounded louder than it should be.

It was too quiet. She can't hear those three words anymore, forever.

"I love you" were the words that he often said to her. He always said it anywhere and anytime without hesitation. And whenever he said those words, she always felt embarrassed. She always found him shameless. Unexpectedly when this day came, he would say those three words again to bid farewell.

The man who wielded the scythe looked at her. There was a trace of pity on his eyes as he watched her begging someone dead to be alive. He understood that feeling when this woman's husband murdered his best friend and even mocked him.

But he always thought that this world was filled with selfish people. He himself was not an exception. He turned around, leaving the poor woman alone crying and screaming.

Maybe one day he will also receive this day. He was not a good person either. Maybe one day he will have to die before his beloved ones, maybe one day those who he had offended or tormented will come for his head.

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now