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- Within the Chrysanthemum Tree  -

After everything had ended, Charlotte felt that she could take a breath for awhile. She felt that for this short amount of time, her heart has been put into a test.

Charlotte sat down and watched the three protagonists talked and laughed around each other. It was quite nice to be able to see this kind of peaceful scenery.

'If it was in the past, I thought that there is no way for me to get close to them because I'm a reader and they used to be characters on my favorite manhwa. But now... that wall seems to be disappearing.'

She smiled in relieve and satisfaction.

'Like what they said, there will always be rainbow after the storm.'

It was what she heard from Altaira.

'But then again, I don't see Altaira and Celeste around. They probably left  first along with Estelle and Estrella. It's his style to run away from troubles and sacrifice someone else to do his work.'

She knew that from her experience for years after being schemed and tricked to do her brother's chores.

Usually within a party, she was always one of the noisiest ones along with Altaira. But compared to Charlotte, there were the times where he was content just with standing at the corner and watched everything with a satisfied smile on his face.

'I always thought that being cheerful and chaotic are the best ways to express my happiness,' she thought and looked at her right palm. 'But there are ways to congratulate something. And right now, just by looking at them...'

She closed her eyes and her right palm as to enjoy herself at this present moment.

'I'm happy.'

"It's quite rare for you to not join a party," Raisin spoke.

"To be more specifi, she is sitting at the corner smiling like a weirdo."

"I'm in a good mood now so, I won't beat you for what you've said."

The red- haired man came with Noah. The two of them walked side- by- side and walked towards her. And their expressions looked rather solemn which confused Charlotte.

It was normal for Raisin to look so serious all the time. Even Estrella described him as a grumpy old man who wasted God's blessing to have such a beautiful face. But Noah was different. He didn't look relaxed at all. His expression showed the hint that there was something troubling him which made her wonder what it was.

She stood up and walked towards them. Now, she was no longer the child who cried and waited for someone to find her while hiding in the dark. She could stand up and run towards those who required her help.

"Is there something wrong, Noah?" She asked immediately and straight to the point.

Noah's eyebrows frowned deeper. She was getting more certain that this was not a simple matter for him to look even stressed.

'Perhaps I should make him relaxed first?'

Charlotte extended her right hand and held Noah's hand which pretty much surprised Noah. He didn't seem to expect her to come up with such a gesture.

"You know," she said with a smile that showed that she was confident that everything would go smoothly. "If you have any problem, then you can tell it to others. We are always ready to help you."

Noah responded nothing for awhile.

'If only... I meet this kind of people sooner.... if only Celeste and I had the fortune to encounter these people.....'

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