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Having two hundred and fifty supernaturals made it difficult to enforce a surprise attack. They knew the AMO was expecting them, but the AMO didn't know if it'd be today, tomorrow or in a week. Thus, they had the advantage.

Aligning themselves in rows, they held hands, making sure the teleporters were evenly spread out. Then, in a flash, they were right in front of the camp, much to the surprise of the security guards. Without hesitation, Morgan let out a battle cry, breaking the silence, which was followed by hundreds more as they charged forward.

Morgan wasn't as bloodthirsty as she had been when she left the Syrian camp for the first time as a different person all those months ago, but the excitement of getting back at these people who caused her and so many so much pain coursed through her veins. They had made the mistake of giving them these powers in the first place, and it'd be their downfall.

Unsheathing her daggers, she was upon her first opponent. He was much bigger than her and held a gun, but she crushed it with her mind before he could fire. She could have very well dodged, but with all these kids behind her, she didn't want to risk it hitting someone.

The agent threw away the gun, smart enough not mourn over it, and also exposed two hidden knives. She jumped and brought down the sharp blades with her, but he crossed his own into an 'x', blocking the attack. Wildly fast, they tried to strike each other. Eventually, she sliced his leg and it weakened him, no matter how hard he tried to make it seem it didn't affect him. As she fought him, her eyes occasionally flickered around, searching for Siphon.

Suddenly, she had accidentally left herself open for an attack, and noticed his dagger coming for her stomach almost too late. Her powers took control, grabbing onto the blade and keeping it from connecting with her. Then, she fought against his strength and turned his own weapon on him, stabbing him in the gut. He surrendered, and fell to the ground as he bled. She sympathized with him as he suffered, and, as she finally had the chance to do so, snapped his neck with her mind so he wouldn't die a painful death. Mercy: a sympathy he would have never given her.

She watched the battle go on for a few seconds while she searched for Siphon, feeling a sense of pride for her supernaturals as they fought with passion and purpose, each managing to bring down their opponent by themselves or with unasked help from another. She was yet to see many on the ground, injured or other, and that was a good sign, although it was only the beginning.

"Looking for me?" A voice asked from behind her, and she whipped around to find Siphon clad in his suit, this time having shed the mask. He had tapered dirty blonde hair and blue, mischievous eyes.

"I was," she confirmed, reaching for the needle in her pocket.

"Smart," he said, having decided not to attack her yet as he crossed his arms. "I'm your biggest problem as of now. Your best versus the AMO's best, which happens to be you and me." Then, he unexpectantly said respectfully, "May the best supernatural win."

Morgan pulled the antidote needle out of her pocket, slightly surprised at his sportsmanship. "Right back at you."

Then, she injected herself in the arm, then threw the empty glass syringe to the side. She felt the wildness of her zero powers surround her, and she welcomed them happily.

"You figured it out," he said, a small smile pulling at his lips.

"Ever fought a zero before?" She asked.

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