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"So that was the infamous Light Glider," 2832 said, as she walked into the AMO with Sean.

"Yeah," he responded. "First impression?"

"Underwhelming," she replied. "Not the almighty guy I was expecting. He was literally wearing a spandex onesie." Sean laughed. "He's got friends, though," she supplied. "In his earpiece, I heard someone."

"Did you get a name?"

"No," she admitted.

"You should probably tell Travers. Or, come to think of it, Mads probably already did," he chuckled, the handle scanning his hand and allowing him inside.

The two passed the Sergeant's office, only to stop when they saw Harpo and Madilyn inside talking to Travers. They knocked on the door, suspecting whatever they were discussing was about Team K16. They were allowed inside.

"Madilyn and Harpo were just telling me about the mission," Travers said, shuffling his papers. "It seemed to go well. We're making sure his death is ruled a suicide. I heard there was an interruption with it, though?"

"Light Glider," Madilyn clarified.

"He was taken care of," 2832 assured.

"You did well with dealing with him," Travers smiled. "In fact, I sent you on that mission so close to Pennsington City because I wanted you to meet our little superhero, and see how you did."

"I'm confused," Sean said, shaking his head.

"He's sending us on the Light Glider mission, dumbass," Madilyn hissed, slapping him upside his head.

"What's the plan?" 2832 asked.

"Ideally, to discover his identity as quickly as possible. We were thinking of getting an agent 'captured' by him. I think the best option would be 2832," he nodded at her.

"Oh, come on! They got to do the Wadden project!" Sean whined.

"Exactly. Light Glider has seen 2832's powers, and he could be interested in her. And, of course, he would be worried that the local police wouldn't be able to handle her," Travers said. 2832 let a smirk slip through. "I would advise you and Madilyn to cause trouble, and make yourselves a threat. That'll push him into capturing her."

"What do we do?" Sean asked.

"You'll have to wait until 2832 finds out all she can, then you can ambush him all together and bring him in."

"He has accomplices," 2832 mentioned. "What are we to do with them?"

He waved it off dismissively. "Just kill them. Unless they prove severely useful. Now, this will be a long mission. Pack what you need; you'll be leaving tomorrow."


"Who knew I'd be so desperate to discover my kryptonite?" Rylie muttered, sitting in the medical centre of their HQ. "So, how is this going to go down?"

"We're going to give you different substances," Monica explained. "If you feel any fatigue or weakness, tell us."

He nodded, and was handed a beaker. Without a second thought, he dumped it all in his mouth. He immediately regretted it as a foul taste erupted in his mouth. He made a face, but swallowed reluctantly. "What is that?"

"Botulinum toxin," she said, in a slightly more high pitched voice, with nervousness laced into it.

"Botulinum toxin?!" Pepper exclaimed. "Are you trying to kill him?!"

"What is it?" Rylie repeated, an unpleasent feeling in his stomach as it gurgled.

"Just a freaking deadly poison!"

"What?!" Rylie, Marcus and Tyler yelled at the same time.

"Yeah, just five milligrams can kill off the whole human race, and you just gave him thirty millilitres!"

"Oh my god, I'm going to die," Rylie said, running a hand through his hair as he got more and more nauseous.

"His system has changed!" She explained hurriedly. "Its more advanced and stronger—he's proven that with his quick healing! I figured poison might make him weak, but definitely not kill him!"

"Do you know for sure?" Marcus asked.


"Guys," Rylie said, about to cover his mouth. "I think I'm going to need a bucket."

"Got it," Tyler said, grabbing a bucket and tossing it to Marcus. He was about to hand it to Rylie, but it was too late. He was already barfing into it.

"Oh man," Marcus revulsed. "You couldn't have just taken the bucket?"

"How do you feel?" Monica asked, tentatively.

"A lot better."

"He vomited it out," she discovered, quickly scribbling it down.

"Ok, this is gross, can I put this down now?" Marcus asked, holding the barf-filled bucket at arm's length.

"Of course."

The rest of the day consisted of test after test to see what would temporarily halt his powers. After hours and hours, the group had come up with nothing.

"I'm getting seriously discouraged," Marcus sighed, as they all slouched on chairs, defeated.

"Wait!" Pepper exclaimed, standing up and startling everyone. "What about trimethylxanthine?"

Monica slowly stood as realization set on her. "Of course... "

"Supernatural's systems and bodies changed, basically a reverse to humans," Pepper began.

"And trimethylxanthine is practically caffeine, something that energizes humans..." Monica continued.

"Which would be the reverse on supernaturals..."

"And instead of giving them a burst of energy..."

"It'd make them weaker and powerless until it wore off—yes!" Pepper exclaimed.

"Oh my god," Tyler whispered. "It's like they're two nerds falling in love. I can see the sparks flying."

Monica quickly ran over to her desk and prepared another liquid, ignoring her brother, then returned it to Rylie in the same beaker. "Is this going to taste awful, too?" She gave him a pointed look, so he swung it back anyway.

Immediately, he felt a rush of energy sweep out from under him. He felt tired and weak. Still, the others encouraged him to try and use his powers so he did, but was shocked when he called for the wind and it didn't come as it usually did.

"It worked!" Pepper exclaimed.

"I just need to make it stronger," Monica muttered, almost(probably) to herself. "So that just the touch makes him weaker, so Marcus can make them into cuffs..."

"Well, she's gone," Tyler said, dusting off dirt from his pants as he stood from the chair he had been sitting on. "She'll probably be working on that non-stop. Ice cream?"

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