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Just a little warning: Part Two has more frequent strong language



2832 felt like she had been set on fire.

When she awoke, she could tell she had been unconscious for much too long. Her body felt worn and tired, but her skin seemed like it has been burned. The amount of time she had been sitting there had clearly been long enough for her body to heal what she guessed had been burn marks, but the pain resided heavily.

She tried to remember what happened. She had been at the Fidden household... Then ran into Siphon. He had struck her with a lightning bolt, and that was the last thing she could remember.

A blindfold was placed over her eyes and her wrists were cuffed together. That meant nothing good.

Her heart skipped a beat before she forced it to calm. Siphon had caught her in order to hand her over to the AMO. That would have to be where she was now. In the custody of her enemies.

She tried to assess where she was exactly. She made very small movements incase someone was watching, and tried to feel around for the texture of the ground she was laying on. It wasn't a moving vehicle, for she couldn't feel it moving. Not grass, or stone, but rocky and dirty. No tiles either.

Suddenly, she felt her blindfold being whipped off. She tried to adjust to the brightness of the room, and when she finally did, she was looking up at the smiling face of Siphon. Her wrists were cuffed behind her to a pole, and although they could have been power dampening ones, she doubted it, for this felt different.

She glared at him and observed her surroundings from the corner of her eye. It looked to be some sort of old basement with stone wall and an almost dirt flooring. The ceiling was low, but she guessed Siphon, a fairly tall man, could stand straight up with a few inches to spare.

"Where the hell am I?" She demanded.

"Woah." He chuckled. "No need to be so hostile."

"Just because you kidnapped me?" She retorted sarcastically. "You took my powers, didn't you?"

He waved it off dismissively, standing. "Temporarily. You shouldn't be worried about that though. The AMO is pissed at you."

"You're not even concerned that they'll likely turn on you sometime soon?"

"Trust me, they won't."

"And, what? They're coming today? Tomorrow?" She questioned.

"Tomorrow, Morgie," he said.

She furrowed her eyebrows. The nickname sounded familiar but she couldn't quite place it. She decided not to ask about it. "How long have I been here for?"

"Oh," he dragged, looking at his gloved fingernails. "Three or four days. I can throw a good bolt when I want to."

"And the others: Rylie, Pepper, Tyler, Monica and Marcus?" She narrowed her eyes in hatred. "You didn't do anything to them, did you?"

"Your friends are fine, not for much longer though," he said. "Those last four have went into hiding. Nobody knows where they are. Quite smart of them, I might add."

"And Rylie?"

He sent her a wicked smile. "Oh, him? Your old teammate picked him up right around the time I grabbed you."

Her breath hitched. "They've got him?"

He laughed. "It's really amusing, too. They believe he's just refusing to use his powers—" he bent over, laughing hysterically, "—but really, he just doesn't have any! And they keep torturing and torturing him!"

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