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"Where the hell is Rylie?" Tyler asked, running into the headquarters, out of breath.

"I don't know," Pepper shrugged. "Are we supposed to know where he is every given second?"

"When there's a robbery in progress," Tyler practically shouted, quickly shoving Marcus out of the way to out the live news channel on the laptop, "where the robber is that girl from Reno? God, aren't you guys supposed to know everything happening in this damn city?"

"I think I know where he is!" Monica exclaimed, grabbing Tyler's hand and pulling him out of the warehouse, the other two following suite. Frigid air hit them immediately, and they shivered as she pointed at the roof, where the brunet sat, looking over textbooks.

"Rylie!" Tyler yelled, through cupped hands.


"Robbery, you idiot!"

His eyes widened, and he quickly glided down to the ground. "I need to go out on my suit!"

"No need," Marcus responded, tossing him a watch.

"What's this?"

"An upgrade," he replied with a shrug, making the superhero grin. He quickly secured it on his wrist and pressed a button, watching as the suit began to climb up his arm and form. The suit was now greyer, with blue gloves, boots and stripes. He secured a mask over his eyes and smiled, before taking off.

"I don't understand how he was outside in this freezing weather," Tyler muttered, hugging himself to keep warm as he went back inside.


"Which one?" 2832 asked, as she and Madilyn walked through the streets of Pennsington towards the bank Madilyn had chosen to rob.

"Pennsington Royal Bank, of course," she grinned, breathing in the smell of gas and cigarettes.

"Only you would choose the biggest one," she muttered under her breath.

"While Harpo and Sean are engaging in whatever enormously interesting thing they're doing, we get to engage in an enormously interesting bank heist."

"Were you criminal before you joined the AMO?" 2832 asked sarcastically.

"Oh, honey," Madilyn said, placing a hand on her shoulder as she looked at her as if she was the most innocent child she had ever seen. She was smiling, laughing a little. "All AMO agents are just legal criminals. You're stupid if you believe otherwise."

She then walked ahead confidently, leaving 2832 dumbfounded before she quickened her pace to catch up.

Madilyn pulled open the heavy golden doors of the bank, her shoes clacking against the clean floor. The room was fairly silent, safe for the quiet talking between the employees and the customers. She, without hesitation, pulled out her gun and twirled it her hand before aiming it straight up. "Excuse me," she said, her voice echoing through the large bank, shooting once upwards. "This is a stick up."

"You certainly have a flair for entrances, don't you?" 2832 muttered, flying her jacket backwards to expose the daggers and guns strapped to her belt so they knew they meant business.

2832 watched an employee subtly click the silent alarm as everyone put their hands up. They neatly organized their hostages to sit on the ground in a line. "I'm going to get the money. You watch them," Madilyn instructed.

"Who said you were in charge?"

"Me, clearly."

2832 scoffed, but let her go, ignoring the pleas of their hostages. There was crying, and there had been screams but those quieted down rather quickly. She was about ready to shoot one to silence them, and brought her hand up to her earpiece. "You done yet?"

"Give me time. God, you're so impatient,"

"I'm just saying that Capes is probably on his way or about to get-"

2832 was suddenly knocked off her feet, sent flying across the room, her back hitting one of the counters hard. She winced, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Capes ushering the hostages out. She slowly got up, ignoring the pounding in her head and dizziness. "You got a new suit," she observed.

"I did," he replied. "What are you doing in Pennsington City?"

"Just staying here for a while," she answered vaguely. "Is that illegal?"

"Robbing a bank is, and it's pretty cliche."

"I need the money," she lied, as they circled each other.

"How about you get a job?" He suggested, quirking a smile.

"This is my job," she chuckled.

"Just like it was your job to kill Charles Wadden?"

"That you tried to prevent me from doing, only to fail horribly," she retorted.

"Who are you?" He demanded, impatiently.

She hesitated, and finally smiled and said, "You can call me Sav."

2832 gripped one of her daggers and threw it at him. He dodged, sparks around his gloves as a lightning bolt began to form. He directed it at her and she narrowed dodged it, hearing shattering glass from a booth behind her. Clearly, he was better at long-range combat than close combat. She would abuse it.

She dodged his blast, moving to the side to evade it as she got closer and closer. Eventually, she managed to get right up to him. She punched forward and clipped his chin as he bended forward, slightly late. With her other hand, she pounded into his gut and spun as she tripped him.

He jumped over her leg and grabbed her arm, twisting it behind her back as a threat to dislocate it. 2832 flipped him over her, grabbing his shoulders to dig her knee into his back.

Light Glider was desperately trying to get on the offensive, but she was too fast to let him. Everytime he tried to punch, she either blocked it or dodged it, then made a move of her own. They were wrecking the bank, and 2832 was beginning to wonder where Madilyn was.

One mistake. That was all it took. She didn't see his hands energizing with electricity before he hit her with them, blowing her across the room as she hit a wall, her head snapping back. Probably enough to give her a concussion.

He walked over to her, as she struggled to breathe, pain aching through her body as she sat, crumpled against the ground. "Damn atmokinetics," she wheezed. "I never liked them."

He grinned, crouching dwon to her level as she glared at him, wincing at the agony rattling through her broken bones. "Looks like I win this time."

"Fuck you, Capes," she spat.

"You're coming with me," he stated, bringing up his hand to knock her unconcious.

"Think again, bitch," Madilyn's voice echoed through the bank, her gun off the safety as it pointed at him. A large, black garbage bag was slung over her shoulder, most likely filled with money.

He whipped his head around, and 2832 took his moment of surprise to kick the back of his knee hard, causing it to collapse and possibly break. She strained her ears to hear the loud earpiece in his ear, making out the sentence barely. "Get out of there, you idiot! Let me take care of it!" The voice was female, possibly slightly younger but not by much.

Light Glider looked up at them before the doors burst and he flew out, the bag of money following. Then, the large doors slammed shut, and they heard a clicking mechanism. "Lockdown initiated," a robotic voice stated.

"Shit!" Madilyn yelled.

They were sitting ducks, waiting for the police to arrive, stuck in the very bank they attempted to steal from.

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