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Pepper couldn't help but feel giddy as she went up to the apartment. The fact that this Teddy person was going to help them have her a burst of hope. Maybe they really could save Sav, Rylie and Alexis. Probably not be able to save every single supernatural out there from the government's grasp, but close enough. She was sixteen, after all. Planning a revolution wasn't exactly on her to-do list.

She'd have to break the news to Marcus and Monica. Tyler only knew the first half, but didn't know she left that night. Teddy would be coming over tomorrow, escaping from the club. He claimed he had gained some trust from his boss so he could take breaks and leave the club, and during that time, he'd come over and never return.

She could barely sleep that night. For the first time in a too long, it felt like something good was going to happen. No, Teddy wasn't some angel to answer all their problems, but he was something. Something was better than the nothing they had had as of recently.

That morning, everything was normal. Marcus and Monica didn't suspect a thing, but Tyler kept on looking at her, like he was trying to figure out whether she'd gone behind his back or not. She sent him a glare that she hoped he'd think meant she hadn't, and was still bitter about it.

Then, during breakfast, there was a knock at the door. Everybody jumped. Marcus immediately ran into his room and came out with a gun. Pepper almost spat out her cereal.

"Whoa, guys, relax!" She stood up, walking towards the door.

"Pepper, walk over here," Monica ordered.

Defiantly, Pepper knocked twice, each at least two seconds apart. She waited, and a different sequence of knocks followed from behind the door. She smiled, and opened the door, ushering him inside quickly.

Teddy was shocked to see a gun pointed at him. "Marcus! Lower the goddamn weapon!" She hissed.

"You look familiar," Monica said, squinting her eyes.

"Everyone, this is Teddy," Pepper introduced, a little hesitantly. "He's the guy who sent us those messages not too long ago, about Alexis."

"Pepper," Tyler said, a flash of anger passing through. "You went out again?"

She went quiet.

"Wait a second," Marcus put the gun on the table. "You went outside? When we specifically told you not to? Tyler, you knew?!"

"Ok, yes, Pep went out and I helped her! Once!" Tyler quickly said. "We wanted to see if we could find this guy. Then when Pepper came back, I told her she couldn't go back out because it was too dangerous!"

"I don't care about the risks!" Pepper snapped back. "I did it because I'm not going to let our friends suffer anymore! Look, he's here now and he's staying, whether you all like it or not. He can help us!"

"Can you?" Monica asked timidly, after a pause. "Can you help us?"

He barked a nervous laugh. "Having a SN on your team can't hurt, right?"

"Did anyone see you on your way here?" Tyler asked. "Security cameras?"

"You know, I don't think so," Teddy said, mocking thoughtfulness, "considering I—"

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