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"I can't believe it's been so long since our first liberation," Joey said, breathlessly, plopping down on his bed. He had recently cut his hair again, this time opting for full-on bald, though his black hair was slightly growing back.

During the last few months, the group had successfully freed every single camp after the Syrian one, except for Poveglia Island, of which they were still currently planning. All the supernaturals under twelve years old, except for Alexis, and those who didn't want to fight were put in foster homes that Monica had arranged. They kept the ones who were up for joining their rebellion, and combined with all four camps, they had over two hundred and fifty. Even Elizabeth Rayn, the healer, stayed, who couldn't fight but could quicken the healing process for the supernaturals even more for those who got hurt.

They were ready. They finally had the resources they needed and there was hope for actually succeeding in taking down the AMO.

Morgan, after some deliberation, had injected herself with the needle after Pepper had made sure it didn't contain any poisons. Although the zero powers would be helpful in the soon-to-come battle, the others had made it very clear she was more useful to them alive than dead.

"It's all gone by pretty fast," Morgan admitted. The other freeings had gone smoother than the first, as although the guards were more prepared for them, they took backup supernaturals with them. With the extra help, they were able to take it down quicker and perfectly.

"We're almost at the last step," Joey said, looking over at her nervously.

She took a deep breath. The last thing they needed to do to defeat the AMO was, well, defeat the AMO. A final battle to decide a winner, which would probably be after they freed Poveglia Island. If they lost it after all their hard work, it would all go back to hell.

"If we lose," Morgan began, slowly, "you know what it means for us. All of us, the co-leaders of The Rebels."

"Yeah. If we don't die in battle, we face what you almost did," he said, looking at his hands. "A torturous execution."

"That's why we fight to the end, agreed?" She asked, bringing her gloved hand forward for a handshake.

He grinned, firmly shaking her hand. "You bet. To the end."

"What are you guys talking about?" Rylie asked as he walked in, followed by the others.

"Death, the revolution, the war: you know, the usual young adult topics," Joey said, casually.

"Speaking of, we probably need to plan that," Monica spoke up, as they all took a seat. Pepper and Rylie scooted their way onto Morgan's bed with her, while Monica and Marcus went on Joey's, and Tyler prompted fell into a sitting position on the floor.

"Personally, I was picturing a big field, and then we all run towards each other? Kind of like Narnia," Tyler rambled. "Like Morgan yells, 'Charge!' and we all let out a battle cry and attack?"

"First off, no," Pepper deadpanned. "Second off, do you actually think you're going to be apart of the attacking force?"

"Well," he began, his ego slightly deflated and disappointment in his eyes, but still a stubborn determination. "I can—"

"No, Tyler, the only ones in this room who will be on the offensive and defensive and all fighting side is myself and Joey," Morgan said. "Besides, we don't have to worry about a final battle until Poveglia Island is freed."

"Hey! I singlehandedly lowered Pennsington's crime rate significantly in just a year by fighting off criminals," Rylie defend himself. "I want to fight back."

"Yes, but you did that all with your powers and us watching your back," Marcus stated.

He groaned and fell back onto the bed. "I hate being normal."

"Listen, I know we're pretty outnumbered," Morgan said, altering the subject of the conversation. "The AMO has endless resources, and I wouldn't be surprised if they gather three thousand soldiers when we only have less than three hundred. But I also happen to know that they aren't overflowing with supernaturals now that we've taken back almost all the camps. All of these kids' powers are a big advantage to us."

"Yeah, but about that thought about waiting for the big finale," Pepper drawled, sheepishly. "I've been keeping a silent eye on the AMO's activity and they know we're going to hit Poveglia Island for sure now. They've got loads of guards stationed—this might be our final battle."

"You're kidding," Morgan accused. "We're not ready yet. The kids aren't, and it'd be so dangerous for all the supernaturals in the camp."

"Yeah, well, they're exhausting every single asset. I guess they figure if we get the final one down, it's the end. They'd have to completely rebuild," she explained. "Point is, they're sending every AMO agent. That includes Siphon, even though he's not really an agent."

"Right. He can nullify our entire army. He'll probably be what the AMO is counting on," Monica said. "With him, we'll just be left with kids who mostly know just passable combat, and there's no way we're putting them in a situation where we know for a fact they die."

"Well, actually," Morgan said, clearly leading to a topic none of them would like. "Zeroes can withstand his powers. At least, I think they can. Alexis almost broke free when he go  her, but she was tired and is still young and untrained, so she couldn't. I think I could, though, if we got rid of the stabilizer."

"That's impossible," Pepper said, shaking her head. "And there's no way that's happening. We already went over this, Morgan, you're not putting yourself in a situation where you'll definitely die."

"Better me than all of us," Morgan snapped back, then calmed down. "We have a second stabilizer and an antidote. Once I take down Siphon, I'll inject myself with it. Problem solved." She shrugged. "I can control my powers for our fight." They all looked pretty against the idea, so she tried again. "Honestly, if it gets too out of hand, I'll inject myself with the stabilizer early."

There was a heavy silence, but finally Joey let out a puff of air. "Let's do it. I trust her."

"Alright, fine," Monica surrendered. "But no playing hero here, ok? Neither of you. We all know that although it'll be mostly done after this if we win, but we will still need both of you for after."

"Of course," Morgan agreed. "I already said yes to that. But if something happens and we lose—"

"We won't. We trust you," Rylie assured.

"Yes, but just in case, find a way to let everyone know what's happened," Morgan instructed them. "Pepper, you can probably find a way to make a video that would appear on everyone's screens or something, right? That way, at least our efforts won't be in vain. Then, of course, the kids in foster care and Elizabeth and Finn—" Finn was a teleporter who would be staying back in Stórhöfði, which was where they'd be staying until they teleported to Poveglia, with Elizabeth and the others so he could take Elizabeth to and from the island to heal people "—would have to be put somewhere safe so they're not taken again."

"We'll be on it for sure," Monica said. "But we're going to win, ok? We have to."

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