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2832 watched as Capes was suddenly outlined in a golden hue from the mystery man's beam, levitating him. The first thought that came to her mind was that he was going to kill him, and as much as she wanted to watch it happen, she couldn't.

"So freaking close," she muttered, struggling to get up from the hole she had made in the wall. She sent the man flying to the other side of the room as revenge, Capes dropping lifelessly to the ground. Then, she punched the man in the face, busting his lip.

"Telekinetic," he mused, breathlessly, as he wiped the blood from his lip away with the back of his hand. His deep voice almost sounded... Hungry, like a maniac. "Powerful. I already have that one, so I think I'll just settle for Light Glider."

He drew out his hand again to continue what he was doing, but she kicked his hand away. He punched forward but she easily bended back, then noticed him using his other hand to punch again. It was fairly slow, so she caught it and regretted it. The impact of his fist to her hand blew her backwards, breaking her hand. He must have been one of the SNs with strength, but she was so sure she had felt telekinesis, too... And whatever the hell that thing he was doing to Capes.

"You're starting to annoy me," he growled, a beam from the roof floating down on his command to hit her against the wall, pressing her to it and crushing her torso, leaving her trapped.

The man turned back to Capes, who barely had the energy to continue. The beam shot back out at him, and this time nobody was able to help. The man relished in the feeling as Capes got weaker and weaker, until there was nothing left to take. Then, without any further discussion, he flew out though the skylight disappearing. The beam released her, falling in front of her. But she was already too defeated to stay conscious, and watched as Capes' friends ran to his side, then she collapsed into darkness.


2832 slowly began to wake up, her awareness becoming stronger and stronger. She felt the texture of a desk chair, and the smell of blood. Her back was aching, but she was out long enough for her hand to heal.

She opened her eyes to see Monica tending to Capes' wounds, and the other three fixing up what she and the man had wrecked.

She noticed two things that were odd. The first being that they hadn't bothered to try and handcuff her. And the second being that all her injuries, safe for her back, had healed, meaning Capes' should have had more than enough time for his. Yet, he hadn't.

2832 stood, catching everyone's attention. "Well, Capes, if you think that all this is going to suddenly turn me to your side, you've got another thing coming."

"We didn't restrain you, because it'd be useless," Capes stated, struggling to stand up. "You already made that point."

"I'm still taking you," she stated. "If I come back empty handed—"

"You can't take me," he sighed, almost sadly. "I mean, you can, but there's no point. I'm not a supernatural anymore."

She stared at him. "What?"

"That guy who came in is a rare kind of supernatural," Pepper explained, cautiously coming over. "One of a kind. A siphoner."

"A siphoner?" 2832 asked, confused.

"He takes people's powers for himself. That's what he did to Light Glider. From what we could tell, he's got telekinesis, strength, and now weather control," she explained.

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