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"Good work," Travers said. "We're handling any suspicions people have, and Aiden Danvers has been transfered to SNTC5. You did an excellant job, especially for it being your first op all together."

"Does this put us higher on the list for the Light Glider case?" Sean asked hopefully.

Travers cracked a smile. "Maybe. But I didn't say anything about asking a kid team to do it."

Sean's shoulders sagged. "Come on, at least consider us."

The sergeant continued to smile, sorting through his papers while humming quietly. The group took it as their signal to leave, walking towards the under-twenty-five lounge.

"I see you're mute again," she said to Harpo, who didn't answer.

"... Well, maybe if you didn't need to do everything your way, and actually listen to your leader, we would have gotten the kid!" Some guy with blonde hair yelled.

"Your plan was stupid! If I hadn't intervened, there could have been a good possibility at getting her!" A redhead argued.

"What's happening?" Sean whispered to Bradley, who was watching the fight with everyone else.

"Their op got messed up," he answered, arms crossed. "They were supposed to get a SN. She was on a school bus of kids, so they stopped it and asked for the girl, saying there was an emergency with her mom. She obviously didn't buy it, so Colton—the redhead there—just ran for her. She panicked and started electrocuting people. They managed to get out but all the kids inside and the bus driver died, and the girl they were after disappeared. Now they're in massive shit for it."

"I told you we should have waited until she got home and was alone! Better late than in the situation we're in now!" Colton continued.

"You are not blaming me for this. You made the god damn girl scared and lose control!"

"I was trying to make up for all your mistakes! You shouldn't even be leader!"

The blonde's hand was curling into a fist so tightly it was turning white. If someone didn't stop them, there was going to be a full on brawl. She could see the sides forming, some people standing behind Colton, ready to defend him, and the rest behind the blonde.

In a split, fast decision, 2832 jumped in between them. "For god's sake, don't fight over something so silly. You're acting like toddlers."

"Stay out of this, SN," the blonde growled, shooting daggers with his eyes at Colton, who was doing the very same thing.

"I don't give two shits about this fight," she continued, ignoring the condescending remark at the end, "but don't get in more crap for ruining the lounge. If you need to let out your anger on each other, do it in the training room."

Neither moved. Wisps of blue circled around her hand by her side, ready to use. They set their jaws, but gave up and stormed towards the training room.

"I'm going home," she announced to her team after a pause, brushing past them.


"Nothing's been happening today," Rylie whined, slouching in his seat.

"You want crime to happen?" Monica asked, raising her eyebrows.

"No," he sighed. "But you know what I mean. Most days, I'm tired, but now I've got so much energy and the most I've done today was taking a cat out of a tree."

"That is the most cliche thing I have ever heard," Pepper said, walking into the headquarters. "You could be studying. Isn't your big midterm soon?"

"Shit!" He exclaimed, jolting in his seat as he ran to take his suit off.

"He really is an idiot," Monica tsked.

"Sometimes I wonder how the hell he manages to pass all his classes while saving the city on the side," Pepper shook her head.

Rylie bolted out of the room he had changed in, slipping on his shirt as he ran. He grabbed his textbooks and began to flip through the pages, in an attempt at late studying.

"Rylie's studying last minute?" Tyler said, not the least bit surprised as he frantically looked through his notes, trying to memorize it.

"You bet," Monica confirmed. "It's been a slow day, yet he forgot to study."

"I'd rather be out saving lives than lounging over a textbook," he mumbled. "Excuse me for keeping people alive."

"Maybe we wouldn't have overpopulation if it wasn't for you," Pepper said.

"You're welcome."

"That's not something to be proud of!" She exclaimed.

"Let me study in peace!"


2832 dropped her bag on the couch in her apartment, going around to flop down on it, too. She wasn't able to use the training room at the end of the day like she usually did, since the boys who had been arguing decided to kill the other there.

She had expected herself to be shaken from delivering such a young child to their worst nightmare, as well as hurting their father in front of their eyes, then killing them. Yet she didn't feel much. The camps were to help them, she knew. Before she went, her powers were haywire and took a lot out of her. Now, she controlled them easily.

Her past, before the camps, was a blurred mess, though. She occasionally caught a flash of blonde hair, attached to the vague face of a girl, laughing. And a man and a woman, the woman more frequent, who looked somewhat similar to her in physical attributes.

Her lack of memories didn't concern her. She was more focused on doing her job and doing it right. Being in a group was sometimes frustrating, especially since she had to take orders from someone. But she didn't complain. If she wanted to keep on Travers' good side, complaining wouldn't help.

Madilyn was professional during the mission, which she was glad for. She didn't let her obvious dislike for 2832 corrupt the op, and made no comment when Harpo decided 2832 would be dealing with the SN. She, however, was clearly either pissed off or jealous when she saw 2832 walking perfectly fine after being stabbed hours prior, while she had a bandage over her upper arm.

Harpo had apparently sprained his leg from the drop and was forced to use crutches, but was regularly testing his leg without them. It seemed he didn't want his injury to delay them from getting another op.

Sean was as goofy as ever, and Bradley constantly made fun of him for his voice. He had broken his nose, and whenever he spoke, it sounded nasally and different. But he had sprained his arm, as well.

2832's stab wound healed in a matter of hours. She was up and walking after a quick nap. She had also had a minor concussion since being hit over the head with, apparently, a metal pipe. She hadn't even noticed, and thought it was a fist.

She had heard murmurs from Cole and Sergeant Travers about their next mission. It was something about going to Nevada—she only caught bits and pieces. She considered telling the others, but ended up keeping it to herself.

2832 looked through her cabinets for something to eat. She had the craving for something sweet and cold, but didn't have anything like it in her fridge. So, she grabbed her coat, keys and wallet and went exited her apartment.

She forcefully smiled at the secretary as she left, the cold December air hitting her hard as she left the building. It had snowed just barely, but enough to cause two inches of snow.

She hailed a taxi, climbing into the warm yellow car, the familiar scent of sweat and cigars swimming into her nose. "You know the way to the closest ice cream shop?"

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