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Alexis' small frame moved through the crowd as she hesitantly went up to the front. When the little girl saw Morgan, she gasped and smiled, then ran up to her for a hug. "Sav!"

She knelt down to her level. "It's actually Morgan," she said, gently, still grinning widely. "But how are you, Alexis?"

"These people are meaner. Does this mean I get to go home?"

"Definitely," Morgan confirmed, firmly. "Not right away, but you'll get to see Rylie again." She turned to Joey. "Do you remember him?"

Alexis giggled and ran over to Joey, who scooped her up in his arms. "Hey there."

"Teddy!" She said, cheerfully, hugging him tightly.

"Call me Joey," he suggested, then smiled at Morgan. "We both changed our names."

"Alexis, you stay with Joey, ok?" Morgan said, and Rylie's sister nodded. Morgan turned to address the crowd again. "Once again, are there any fighters who aren't teleporters?"

There were a few seconds when nobody moved. Morgan sighed, and was about to speak again to give them the instructions to go with Joey, but one person stepped forward. He looked like he was Pepper's age, with thick brown hair and a tall frame. "I'll help. I'm a hydrokinetic, a level four."

She smiled. One was better than just her on her own. "Fantastic. What's your name?"


Then, a few more kids stepped up, none older than fourteen. Clearly, they had just needed someone to go up first so they could follow their lead. Before she knew it, she had at least twenty fighters.

"Alright, I want Jessica and Alex to join Joey's group to protect them if anything happens. For your safety, follow everything Joey says to the nail," Morgan said strictly as her two fighters moved to join Joey. "When we get back, everything will be explained." She now went back to her group of fighters. "Now, I want you guys to be careful. Don't take on what you can't handle, and if it becomes too much for you to handle, call for backup. I don't want anybody dying other than the horrible people who orchestrated this, understand?" They all nodded. "Let's go then."

"Ok, are there any teleporters here?" Joey's voice got quieter as she walked with her group down the hall.

"Unlock the south door, Pepper," Morgan said. "And make sure to be watching Joey and the other supernaturals most of the time so they don't run into any trouble. Just tell us where we should head off to first."

"Will do. Go to your left."


Morgan lead them down the hall in silence. They'd need to kill every single guard and person involved to make sure nobody knew the Syrian camp was liberated. This also included Leonard's death, of which she was personally looking forward to.

Suddenly, they ran into a group of guards running in their direction, heavily armed. They stopped when they noticed them, and aimed their weapons. Before they could fire and before Morgan could do anything about it, one of the boy interfered. Ripping through the floor, vines grabbed ahold of the guns and crushed them in their grasps. Then, the vines crawled up to the guards' necks and began to slowly choke them to death.

"Stop it," she ordered the small, fifteen year old boy who was clearing relishing in making his tormentors suffer. He didn't do as told, so she took over. She tightened the grip the plants had on them, instantly snapping their necks.

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